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China space junk falls into ocean


The out-of-control Long March 5B rocket that so fascinated the Western media re-entered Earth’s atmosphere over the Indian Ocean and burned up, the Chinese space engineering agency has said.

The CMSEO said the rocket made re-entry at 10:24am Beijing time (02:24 GMT) and fell into the ocean around 72.47 E longitude and 2.65 N latitude. Most of it burned up on re-entry, as the Long March descended at an average speed of eight kilometers per second (five miles per second).  May 9

China’s mundane horoscope is available  at reference [1].  Based on this data, the  progressed solar return chart  (precession corrected) for May 9 is presented here. On the meridian is Mercury-Apollon-Uranus forming a mundane square with TNPs Kronos-Hades on the descendant.

From the references below we have  the following keywords:

Hades: junk; waste material [2]

Kronos: altitude, flights; overhead/above [3]

Apollon: science [3]


For the planets involved we have:

Uranus: innovation; new technology

Mercury: vehicle

Putting the pieces together we have:

Junk from  a scientific  vehicle  at an altitude.

For events under the stars that form the backdrop to Uranus [9ta] on the IC, Diana Rosenberg quotes Ebertin “falls or dives from high places into the abyss”.




