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Eclipse and the Shijiazhuang fire




 Eclipses are known to cause major disasters, both natural and manmade, especially in places where they occur on the horizon or meridian. The May 26th  lunar eclipse fell exactly on the horizon at Shijiazhuang  putting it in the eclipse cross-eye.


For the stars that conjoin the eclipse Moon, Diana Rosenberg writes, “this is a very high-scoring fire area” and gives several examples [1]. Turning our attention to the stellium of “Hades-Kronos-Mars”  in the 8th house we notice that it is anchored to the eclipse axis through hard aspects.  Here Kronos is conjunct the star Sirius linked to scorching heat and fires.  More specifically, the TNPs Hades (messy situations/decline) -Kronos (tall)  are opposite Cupido (building), so that a tall building on fire is one possible interpretation. 

As regular readers are aware, a major incident is never shown by just one factor in a chart.  Most often several factors collude to produce the event. Here on the MC is the star Mizar. 

Zeta (ζ) Ursa Major, Mizar, is a double star, possibly binary, brilliant white and pale emerald on the Tail of the Great Bear which has been linked to catastrophic fires [2]. 

Supposedly, Mizar portends a Mars nature. The reputation of Mizar, if it is in maximal position in a mundane map, is that of being connected with fires of a catastrophic extent and mass calamities. [Fixed Stars and Their Interpretation, Elsbeth Ebertin, 1928, p.55.] 

[1] Secrets of the Ancient Skies, Diana K. Rosenberg [v.2; p.297]

[2] Mizar and the London Fire

