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Gargantuan March for Freedom Rolls Through London


Ophiuchus struggling with Serpent and Scorpion

On Saturday the 29th May 2021, up to one million people gathered in London to fight for their freedom, your freedom and your children’s freedom. Meanwhile the mainstream media remained silent throughout, except for a select few that have perpetuated barefaced lies. If you were not in central London on the day of the event, or you are somebody who believes the only real news is what is reported on the BBC or Sky, then you could be forgiven for not even knowing that one million people marched through the streets of London against the medical tyranny that has infested the United Kingdom. 

Eclipses become especially significant for a place when they align with the horizon or meridian. The May 26 lunar eclipse at London forms a Grand Cross with the horizon.  along with hard aspects to Admetus, Mars-Zeus and Jupiter. Mars - Jupiter aspects are ideal for starting anything that requires energy, initiative, and courage. With the TNP Zeus in the mix we have righteous anger that drives our efforts.

The eclipse Moon [5sa] is placed amid stars of wild beast Lupus and Scorpius along with Ophiuchus, and the Serpent.  Greed, fiendish malice, mercilessness, malevolence, hypocrisy and  dishonesty are all possible here. Ophiuchus must eternally struggle for control of the powerful serpent lest the deepest negative impulses of soul and psyche break free. In world events this symbolic picture can show up as a war between those who wish to manipulate and control others and those who struggle against these negative forces becoming dissidents, swimming against the current, struggling against limitations, becoming thorns  in the sides of complacent powers-that-be , determined to reform or renew. 

The  eclipse Sun is conjunct the TNP Admetus  and square Jupiter. Admetus stands for delays or blockages while Jupiter is improvement, good luck or good fortune so that the combination can mean “improvement that comes after a long delay”. Moreover, Admetus  conjoins Mirfak, the alpha star of Perseus.

In the story of  Perseus and  Andromeda, Princess Andromeda was chained to the rocks by the sea to be devoured by Cetus the Sea Monster. Andromeda, although inheriting this unfortunate sentence, has a far greater and fortuitous destiny awaiting her, as articulated by the beautiful Andromeda Galaxy, which emulates the ideal potential for our Galaxy. Perseus eventually kills Cetus and frees Andromeda. Perseus and Andromeda marry and  go on to create a city and rule a kingdom that bore the Persian world.

Jupiter is in the Arabic lunar mansion  Al Sa'd al Ahbiyah (now called Sadalachbia). This   has been interpreted as "The Lucky Star of Hidden Things". Dr. Eric Morse states that in horary it indicates the ability to discover that which is hidden.  In the present context, it could mean the coming to light of the true causes behind the suffering of the masses which  leads to a liberation of sorts.


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