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Glass bridge in China shatters


A man visiting a resort in northeast China survived a nightmare scenario after a glass-bottomed bridge shattered under his feet. The tourist was eventually rescued after clinging to a railing. The walkway, located in the Piyan Mountain resort in the city of Longjing, was partially destroyed by violent winds on Friday (May 7)  – leaving the terrified tourist stranded 100 meters (328 feet) from the ground.  A photograph published by Chinese media shows the man sitting on a beam as he wraps his arms around the bridge’s railing. A terrifying drop is seen below him, with the walkway destroyed on both sides of him.  The man was reportedly trapped on the badly damaged bridge for more than 30 minutes before emergency workers were able to help him crawl back to safety.

Much like the chart of a individual a national chart can provide information that can be quite surprising. Presented here is the current  solar return chart for China [1]. Notice the Mars-Saturn-Pluto square straddling the meridian. In astrology, Saturn rules all things that are rigid and brittle. When Saturn is in hard aspect to Mars, the dynamic planet of energy and movement, brittle things shatter like  the glass bridge in this case.

In her essay Pluto through Capricorn 2008-2024, Lynn Hayes writes:

Pluto represents death and endings and the breakdown of the structures in our life that are required in order to bring transformation and fresh beginnings…. The structures of our world keep societies in order and functioning: churches, governments, buildings – all of these are ruled by Capricorn. But so are bridges and tunnels, and the entire infrastructure upon which we live, particularly in urban areas, are likely to experience a severe breakdown while Pluto travels through Capricorn.


Put the pieces together and we can see why the solar return chart contains the potential for the accident mentioned in the news. But why did it take place on May 7? Well if we progress the return chart to May 7, notice that the Mars –Saturn-Pluto once again aligns with the meridian and is thereby triggered.

And finally here is something absolutely stunning. The Sabian symbol for the Ascendant of the solar return chart  [5ta30] is:

Taurus 6: A bridge being built over a gorge


[1] China 1 Oct. 1949; 3:02 pm AWST; Beijing
