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Release of GMO mosquitoes in Florida Keys


On April 30 the Florida Keys Mosquito Control District and the Oxitec biotechnology company announced they will begin release of what will ultimately be some 750 million genetically manipulated or gene-edited Aedes Aegypti mosquitos using CRSPR gene editing technology. The Aedes Aegypti makes up only about 4% of the mosquito population in the Keys. The release is bitterly opposed by residents and environmental groups who demanded a referendum in last year's election ballot, but which the Mosquito Control Board refused, curiously. Oxitec and the Board claim the release is to kill off the presence of the Aedes Aegypti mosquito which is believed to carry dengue fever, Zika and other diseases.

To understand the astrology behind the news, we begin with the sidereal solar return (typo …read  “ingress”) chart drawn for Florida Keys. Notice that it is very significant for the place since it has a prominent Grand Cross aligned with the angles. Of particular interest is the Mars-Uranus square Saturn-Pluto in the mix.

As Pluto in Capricorn pushes for a shift  into the paradigms of the coming age, all unfinished business must be resurrected in order for it to be exposed and evolved. Exposure and experience serves to generate the necessary awareness. Pluto’s transit through Capricorn is  serving  to draw back the curtain until the flaws, failings, and destructiveness of the system become so obvious, they can no longer be ignored. For this reason, economic, social, and political corruption must  rise before it falls. Typically, it  intensifies  the actions and ambitions of the self-serving, the corrupt, and the power-hungry as they  attempt to manipulate, dominate, and control the many by utilizing any and all means possible.

To counteract this, the Mars-Uranus leg of the square  sees a growing number of individuated types who reject and rebel against the system and its arbitrary definitions.  Squares present us with obstacles. Grappling with squares is all part of a maturing process. In its negative form, a square can render us incapable of “doing” at all. When this happens our energies our blocked in a kind of stalemate situation. But the virtue of a square is that it produces excess energy, usually of an unpleasant  variety,  creating will and strength of character thereby forcing us to  confront issues and grow.

If we  now progress the ingress chart to April 30, notice that the Grand Cross realigns with the angles so that its energy is triggered. But  wait for it. Here comes the stunning bit of information. Rising on the Ascendant  [8sc] of the progressed chart  is the star lambda Muscae [11sc] in the constellation of Musca - the Southern Fly

Muscadomestica is the housefly, belonging to the family Muscoidea, the order Diptera (di-, two + ptera, wing). The word musca comes from the Indo-European root mu– ‘Gnat, fly, to buzz’. Derivatives: midge (from Old English mycg, midge, from Germanic *mugjo). Suffixed extended form *mus-ka-; mosquito (family Culicidae),

This constellation should also represent the mosquito, a Spanish word, diminutive of mosca, ‘fly’, from Latin musca. Mosquitos are of the family Culicidae, the Latin word for mosquito (also called gnats) was culex


  1. The charts you have posted say they are cast using a tropical zodiac not a sidereal. Your article says Sidereal Solar Return but the chart showing is an Ingress. Do you really know what you are doing? I'm thinking not.

    1. If you look carefully, you will notice that the first chart is titled “Capricorn Ingress – Precession Corrected” So we are looking at the sidereal zodiac but presented in terms of tropical degrees. This is the reason why the Sun is about 25 Capricorn (and not 0 Capricorn) which is the beginning of the sidereal zodiac .

    2. Please learn your basics before commenting.


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