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Sibly Pluto Return – Deception on a Grand Scale


Pluto –  underworld god of wealth, deception and control

Much of the US media attention directed to China is unrelated to news in any sense, but is part of an extensive propaganda program designed to inflict serious discomfort on China’s government, using the political pressure of the media in attempts to force China to accommodate US and European political and commercial interests. May 16


When a major long term transit, like the current Pluto return in the US Sibly, occurs, its manifestation is brought to us in events as and when minor transits hit the radix Pluto.  As the article above is brought to our attention, transit Sun has begun a trine aspect to Sibly Pluto.  Bill Herbst in his essay America’s Pluto Return: Part Two: Dynamics, writes: 

So, what does Pluto in the Sibly USA chart tell us about this country and its people? Basically, it says that America and Americans are compulsively driven by “self-worth” (2nd house). That means the effort of earning or extracting “personal value.” Psychologically, this translates to feeling good about ourselves.

Materially, it means amassing personal or family wealth through ownership,property, and possessions. Given Pluto’s extremism, that often corresponds to not allowing anyone or anything to stand in the way of feathering one’s own nest. The Plutonian tendency is to see others either as obstacles or resources.

Curiously, Pluto often represents a “blind spot” in the psyche. Americans may not be aware of how compulsive we are about amassing wealth and power, nor about using others. Other countries and cultures see that plainly and judge it either positively (as in the immigrant’s wish to come to America for a better life) or negatively (as in countries and cultures that resent our messing with them),but we ourselves tend to be unconscious about how driven we are toward wealth, power, and dominance. The fly in the ointment here — besides the shadow side of Pluto itself — is Pluto’s rulership of the 12th house in the USA chart. Occupying the 2nd and ruling the 12th indicates both selfishness and selflessness, a quite paradoxical combination. It also implies that the unconscious drive to acquire personal wealth in any way and regardless of the cost to others could be our undoing. That undoing — in whatever ways the ending takes shape — is the looming portent of the Pluto Return that’s already underway and will be symbolically (and quite probably pragmatically) critical to life in America over the coming years. 

No commentary is required. The highlighted portion repeats what the Saker blog article discusses in detail.
