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Activation of the “Capsolar” at Washington DC


I think the idea that ‘astrologers can see the future’ has done us nothing but harm. We cannot see the future! Probabilities . . .yes – that's why our predictions are often correct. Questions and issues, certainly – there is the heart of our craft. – Steven Forrest


Any astrological configuration might refer to a great variety of actual facts. This is the reason why the future cannot be predicted.  Astrology, then,  deals with potentiality of meanings; it is the art of giving valid meanings to planetary configurations.  Presented here is the sidereal Capricorn ingress (“Capsolar”) at Washington DC. Notice that the chart is extremely significant since it carries a powerful Grand Cross  (Saturn-Pluto-Mars-Uranus) on the meridian.  

Tarnas notes that periods of Saturn-Pluto world-transit alignments tend to be characterized

 by a widespread sense of victimization and suffering under the impact of  oppressive forces of history…they  are also characterized by displays of personal and collective determination, unbending will, courage and sacrifice; by intensely focused, silent, strenuous effort in the face of danger and death ; by a deepening capacity for moral discernment born from experience and suffering; and by the transformation and forging of enduring structures, whether material, political, or psychological…(resulting in) the irrevocable termination of an established order of existence.

In a previous post,  Putin announces completion of Nord Stream 2  [1],  I wrote “the important energies colliding in the Grand Cross are, so to speak, the positive and change oriented forces of Mars-Uranus-Jupiter against the restrictive, manipulative and controlling Saturn-Pluto energies”. Therein we saw that the activation of the Cross  led to “a breakthrough (or unexpected developments) in a long term problematic situation”.

In the next few days, the Capsolar at Washington DC is activated with the progressed angles re-aligning with the Grand Cross (see chart above). There is no way of knowing whether the repressive forces (Saturn-Pluto) or the forces of change (Mars-Uranus) are victorious. The only thing we know for certain is that events will show the mighty clash between the two forces. We can only hope that they reflect the “ irrevocable termination of an established order of existence”.


[1] Putin announces completion of Nord Stream 2
