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Eclipse afflicts Canada with mystery brain disease


A fresh outbreak of a mysterious illness has been making headlines in Canada. A neurological disease dubbed the New Brunswick Syndrome has affected dozens and killed six people in recent months in the region that gave it its name. At least 48 people aged between 18 and 85, almost equally men and women, have been suffering from an inexplicable illness that has caused their health to swiftly deteriorate. Visual and auditory hallucinations, memory loss, difficulty walking and balance issues are among the symptoms of the mysterious condition, which is reported to have killed six patients thus far. June 5,


The cosmic clock ticking, as planets pursue their motion and form celestial patterns, provides a flavor, a meaning, or a message for each passing minute or for a whole epoch. Of all these transits, astrologers regard a solar eclipse as a momentous event which colors the period in which it occurs. While an eclipse is worldwide in scope, its effect is more prominently felt at places where significant planetary combinations align with the horizon or meridian.

 The upcoming solar eclipse of June 10 is conjunct Mercury and square Neptune on the MC at Moncton, New Brunswick. Notice that both the planets are in their own signs.  Mercury (retrograde) is in Gemini – the sign connected with rational thinking  while Neptune is in Pisces – the sign associated with psychosomatic illness. The great American astrologer, Carl Payne Tobey, discovered that Neptune afflictions were highly prevalent in pathological cases. A Mercury-Neptune square  can propel us to the some of the lowest places to which a human can descend, the throes of mental illness.

Further confirmation, that the eclipse chart is pointing towards an illness is provided by the medical asteroid  Asclepius [25vi]  opposite Neptune and square retrograde Mercury.

When Mercury is direct, the mind operates on a very functional level. There is little time for retrospection, and energy is expended in productive action. Our contemplative side is virtually on hold. This is a natural rhythm. The retrogression of Mercury is the instinctive mental ‘down time’. It is associated with much re-doing, rethinking,re-organizing, re-associating; anything that can be prefaced with re-will define this rest period. It is very much like the lateral shift that needs to take place for the emergence of a seed idea into a formulated concept. This process is as natural as sleep is to waking.

We have, over aeons, out of our conscious and unconscious need to eliminate chaos, organized our lives to a minute degree. The prison of culture, the oppression of civilization, has essentially desacralized the world, and we now experience a drastic separation of nature from culture. This is an age-old dichotomy, but in modern culture we experience not just disenchantment but extreme alienation. Astrology hopes consciously to reconnect nature and culture by including a cosmic paradigm for earthly activity. Recognizing astrological timing, and incorporating it into our cultural ethos, allows the individual to re-engage his or her timing mechanism in organic accord with a macrocosmic system. It allows the individual to reclaim power that has been subordinated to the organized, external world timing. We then acknowledge both awareness and attention. Retrograde Planets – Erin Sullivan

But then as the quote from Joseph Campbell above explains, this may not be possible for everyone!
