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Eclipse uncovers ancient submerged road


A few days ago, after an unusually strong tide, a huge stone road surfaced from beneath the waters of the Pacific Ocean.  The strange event surprised many residents of Sakhalin Island, in the far east of Russia (near the Japanese archipelago), The grim event did not last long, but it was enough for residents  neighbors to immortalize the structure so that everyone can see.   May 24


In the previous post Eclipse afflicts Canada with mystery brain disease [1] we saw one manifestation of the  upcoming solar eclipse (defined by a retrograde Mercury square Neptune).  Here we  see another manifestation – both symbolically connected. But first take a look at the chart for the solar eclipse drawn for Sakhalin. Notice that the eclipse along with the Mercury-Neptune square straddles the horizon axis.

Here is an extract from the previous post:

 Mercury (retrograde) is in Gemini – the sign connected with rational thinking  while Neptune is in Pisces – the sign associated with psychosomatic illness…A Mercury-Neptune square  can propel us to the some of the lowest places to which a human can descend, the throes of mental illness.

So what is the symbolic connection?  

Mercury or Hermes was the god of roads while Neptune or Poseidon was the god of the sea. Retrograde planets refer to the past so that a retrograde Mercury is pointing to an ancient road and along with Neptune – an ancient road submerged by the sea.

Why does Mercury rule both rational thinking as well as a road? Well for one thing just like a road connects two places, through rational thinking  or logic we are able to see  connection between previously unconnected ideas or things. In the previous post, I quoted Erin Sullivan stating:

When Mercury is direct, the mind operates on a very functional level. There is little time for retrospection, and energy is expended in productive action. Our contemplative side is virtually on hold. This is a natural rhythm. The retrogression of Mercury is the instinctive mental ‘down time’… It is very much like the lateral shift that needs to take place for the emergence of a seed idea into a formulated concept.

The crisis created by the eclipse emphasizing the square between Mercury and Neptune can be understood as a conflict between Apollo (the god of reason whom Mercury serves) and  Dionysus (Neptune). 

In Greek mythology, Apollo and Dionysus are both sons of Zeus. Apollo is the god of the sun, of rational thinking and order, and appeals to logic, prudence and purity. Dionysus is the god of wine and dance, of irrationality and chaos, and appeals to emotions and instincts. Our present day depression, sickness and alienation is to a large extent related to our worship of reason (Apollo). Whether in pain or pleasure, suffering or joy, the intoxicating revelry that Dionysus has for life itself overcomes the Apollonian sickness and perpetuates the growth and flourishing of the life force.

[1] Eclipse afflicts Canada with mystery brain disease

PS: A channeled message appears to resonate with the message in the above post. Coincidence!



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