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FBI Helped Organise Capitol Unrest


Federal Bureau of Investigation operatives helped organise, coordinate and orchestrate 6 January’s deadly riots at the Capitol complex, Fox News host Tucker Carlson has alleged, citing court documents referencing over a dozen mysterious ‘unindicted co-conspirators’.

But strangely, some of the key people who participated on January 6 have not been charged…The government calls those people unindicted co-conspirators. What does that mean? Well it means that in potentially every single case they were FBI operatives,” the host added. June 16,


In a previous post Sun-Neptune synod: Unveiling of deceptions [1], I wrote:

Of all planets Neptune is adept at undermining things from within. In the material world he causes things to decay. And on the spiritual level he will eat away at everything we believe in by discrediting and casting doubt on all that we hold to be true and sacred…If a true reality is to be appreciated and outwardly realized then a false reality must be shown up for what it is. When we truly come to understand Neptune, we may find that he is actually the revealer of reality.

If we remember astrology sees all of reality as symbolic in nature, then might the uncovering of one illusion be a signal that several other false beliefs might be undermined in the coming days. 

The Capitol was stormed on Jan.6, 2021 at 2:15 pm [2]. Presented here is current diurnal chart for the storming.  Pluto is on the IC (thereby triggered) making aspects to Sun and Neptune.

About 90 days from the conjunction (synod), the Sun and Neptune now form a square to each other.  In addition, after forming a square to Neptune, the Sun moves into a quincunx aspect with Pluto. This phenomena is known as “translation of light”.

Translation of light (also known as transfer of light) is a specific type of configuration that occurs when a fast moving planet separates from an exact aspect with one planet and then applies to an exact aspect with another planet.   In this way the fast moving planet is said to “transfer the light” between the planet that it is separating from and the planet that it is applying to. [3]

Pluto being the planet that rips away all illusions and lies can be seen to reveal the truth about the storming of the Capitol!



