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Macron's party loses big


French President Emmanuel Macron’s centrist party, La République en Marche, garnered only 10.9 % of the vote in Sunday's regional elections, which saw bigger wins for mainstream left-and-right wing parties, according to an exit poll by Elabe. Why it matters: Sunday's regional elections are seen as a barometer for next year's national elections, which are only 10 months away, Politico reports.


Eclipses bring changes – a getting rid of the old before the new can come –  similar to ‘an opening of the gates’, so to speak.  They synchronise with major shifts in consciousness and can act as a seed for future change. In a mundane horoscope, the house in which an eclipse falls is the one primarily affected. At Paris, France the solar eclipse of June 10 fell in the 10th house which rules the government or the party in power. In his book Mundane Astrology, H.S. Green writes:

Eclipse in 10th house: unfortunate for the Monarch or Government; unpopularity, discontent, discredit , dissensions or death.

Arranging the eclipse and midpoints in a 90 degree sort we have

Eclipse Sun/Moon = 19ge47  = Ura/Plu =19ge38

Ebertin interprets Uranus/Pluto as “collapse of an existing order and the beginning of a new one”.
