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Neptune stations retrograde


Neptune retrograde 2021 begins on June 25 at 23° Pisces and ends on December at 20° Pisces. Each inversion period of Neptune smoothly dislodges one from a previously certain attitude or perception. Fantasies of a perfect world are created and gradually undone. The retrograde cycles perform the untethering ritual. Whether or not it becomes immediately apparent, there is a disintegration of worldly form. With each successive cycle, illusions are swept away and new ones are instated. The. solid world of what appears to be reality shifts and changes shape, enriching one with new and more elaborate images of what the world is. For example under a Neptune transit and station we may decide to ditch our existing partner for someone else who suddenly appears more desirable! 

The dissolution and resolution cycles are part of the natural phenomenon of the ever-evolving perceptions that we have of life itself, but the erosion of boundaries between ourselves and our world can be frightening and disorienting, especially when the planet repeatedly contacts personal points in long-term transits. 

As Neptune stations opposite the US Sibly Neptune [23vi], one can expect the US to go through an awakening of sorts in the coming days. But  are all Neptune retrograde stations so difficult and negative? The answer is “no”. The difficulty surfaces for those who have been running away from the truth. In fact it can be very rewarding for those who have been falsely accused e.g. former President Lula of Brazil who has just been exonerated of false charges [1][2]. Neptune is stationing  on his MC [23pi].  Remember that Neptune also rules victimization, false accusation, scandal, and slander. When it turns retrograde it is generally associated with stripping away false realities. In this case false charges too!





Retrograde Planets: Erin Sullivan

PS:  Neptune station [23pi] will trigger the December 20 solar eclipse placed in the 10th house at Washington DC. What may be expect? Disclosures of secrets concerning government leaders?
