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Orion eclipse triggers Russia-UK confrontation


Orion – the Warrior

On Wednesday, the Russian Defence Ministry announced that a Russian patrol vessel and military aircraft fired warning shots in the direction of the HMS Defender destroyer after it veered into Russian territorial waters around Crimea and refused to change course. Britain’s Defence Ministry initially denied that the incident even took place.

Eclipses can be activated when planets transit over their position.  Presented here is the chart for the June solar eclipse drawn for the midpoint of Moscow and London. Notice the eclipse along with retrograde Mercury is placed on the MC square Neptune on the descendant.  On June 22, Mercury [16ge] stationed to go direct within 3 degrees of the eclipse thereby triggering it.

The eclipse was conjunct the star Bellatrix of Orion – the Hunter/Warrior. About this star Diana Rosenberg writes, “Warfare and conflict are Orion’s forte and Arabs called Bellatrix, Najid, the Conqueror”. So it is no surprise that the parties concerned were in involved in what could have been a major conflict. Recalling that Mercury rules vehicles and Neptune is the sea, a Mercury-Neptune combination can point to the involvement of ships in the confrontation as also to  cover-ups, lies and deception.

Moreover, on the Ascendant is the star Denebola in late sidereal Leo.

This area of late Leo is of foul breezes and smoke screens. It is also of those behind the scenes, of political-religious figureheads manipulating the affairs of the world for personal motive. Nick Fiorenza
