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The Devastating Reality of the Arizona Forensic Audit


The Blue fog begins to lift

Democrats and the mainstream media have been aggressively denouncing the Maricopa County, Arizona election audit from the beginning. At, first I didn’t understand why. I thought that it was because they were afraid of what the results would be, but I now believe it’s something far worse.



Eclipses bring changes – a getting rid of the old before the new can come –  similar to ‘an opening of the gates’, so to speak.  They synchronise with major shifts in consciousness and can act as a seed for future change – where we ‘suddenly see the light’.  In this post we shall how the June 6, 2020 lunar eclipse is doing just that. At Maricopa, Az the eclipse with its Mars-Neptune T-square was placed very significantly on the angles. With transit Mercury now stationing to go direct on June 22, 2021 conjunct the eclipse Sun, the eclipse is suddenly brought to life. So what does it mean?

The apex Mars-Neptune is conjunct the asteroid Requiem. Martha Wescott delineates as follows:

 REQUIEM: stands for a place of acceptance, a cessation of struggle. Whether one should be AT PEACE with the people, actions and events shown by aspecting points is the issue!

NEPTUNE: lies, deception; trust issues; disillusionment.

MARS: Action for self-interest 


A couple of confusing situations where, on  the one hand, you see that people are complacent with a deception--it's  like it's okay with them that someone else has misrepresented something,  lied, or been totally unreliable. Is it "okay" that someone  lied (given all that the lie meant?) there anything that CAN  be done about it???  And, what does it do to you (and others) if no  objection is registered?

There'll be  times to ask whether "this" is Peace or Passivity, Satisfaction or  Resignation, Acceptance or Hopelessness.  Each of those pairs can so  LOOK the same, but there's a world of difference in 'em (and that's part  of what the year will use events and interactions to illustrate.).

You know that this "complacency" will mean  significant things in the future; you know that this particular "life  test" has poignant potential that won't just go away.

What is obvious is nothing is fated. If we allow the Mars element to take the upper hand, people are not OK with Neptune’s resignation or equanimity and take action to get to the bottom of things.

And this is exactly what has happened in Arizona!


Further reading:

Sun-Neptune synod: Unveiling of deceptions
