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Dam Collapses in China


A dam near the city of Zhengzhou in central China's Henan province has been destroyed by heavy flooding, after being seriously damaged in heavy storms that killed several people and brought the region to a halt, local media reported. July 20;

In a previous post [1], I wrote:

The New Moon and the transiting Sun in the last few days are moving through the Chinese asterism Pe-Ho, the Northern River and Nan-Ho, the Southern River.These are also conjunct a tiny star just above Nan-Ho in Canis Minor that was part of the asterism Choui-Wei, the Situation of the Waters, which governed the overflowing of rivers. The Chinese astrologers  said that if this asterism was clear and tranquil, it was a good omen, but if it faded or seemed to drift and combine with the Milky Way, the rivers of the empire would overflow and flood the land.

Presented here is the chart for the First Quarter Moon drawn for Zhengzhou with the Sun amid the stars of Nan Ho. Notice the alignment of the Sun-Moon-Pluto T-square with the meridian. On the IC [23ar] is the the star Acamar. Theta (θ) Eridanus, Acamar, is a star in the celestial  River Eridanus  about which Nick Fiorenza writes:

Al Pherg of Pisces, Beta Fornax of the Furnace, and Acamar of Eridanus mark the cusp of sidereal Pisces-Aries. Acamar, Theta 1,2 of ERIDANUS, is a primary stop or stoppage along the long and winding river of Life. Acamar is the dam, and indicates that emergence from the belly of Cetus (the technobureaucratic monster of collective human consciousness) requires a breakthrough that will lead us from the foul digestive juices of Cetus and into a greater freedom of being. Alignments here can fool one in thinking the forging they have just gone through in the belly, and their emergence marks the end of their journey, when in fact it is but the door merely opening to be worthy to begin the real work. Alignments here can also manifest as aliments due to the denial to pursue the physical clearing required to purge what has been taken on through our earlier journeys in life.

Astrologer Lynn Hayes in an article Pluto in Capricorn and our decaying infrastructure, dt. June 13,2013 wrote:

One of the things I believe we’ll be facing over the next few years as Pluto travels through Capricorn is the erosion of the structures that support our human lives on the planet. Bridges, tunnels, buildings – all are ruled by Capricorn and subject to transformation while in Pluto’s domain… There’s nothing like a good swipe of Pluto through Capricorn to collapse a few dams and power grids to demonstrate where our priorities should be.


 [1] Astrology of the Germany floods
