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Afghanistan - This Is The End


This was fast. The Taliban have as of now 18 of 34 province capitals (province) under their control.  Only three of the bigger cities, Kabul, Jalalabad and Mazar-i-Sharif, are not yet in Taliban hands.

In a previous post [1], I have discussed the horoscope of the Afghan War. To my mind the key factor is the Pluto opposite Saturn-Hades aligned very significantly with the Ascendant.  In his article, “A Crisis of Power: Saturn and Pluto Face Off” of Aug-Sept 2001, Robert Hand [2] wrote:

The medieval astrologers referred to the opposition as the aspect of perfect or complete hostility..Pluto is about power, but not just any kind of power. It is the power of the transformations that result as things come into being and pass away. …We may desperately try to hold on to the status quo, but we seem to be up against a relentless force that will not be stopped. The harder we try to hold on, the more ruthless the energy of change becomes, and change gets out of control… we are entering a period of time when the free-wheeling prosperity of the last several years is at an end – for a while, at least. There will be a much greater sense of struggle to "get along."

For Hades-Pluto in the opposition, Martha Wescott delineates:

Hades-Pluto: to see changes that are not for the better but that bring a decline; decline through compulsive-obsessive behavior.

But why has the decline accelerated into a collapse just now.

The current Primary Direction (Van Dam) for the Afghan War chart is “Uranus square Pluto”. For Ebertin this is “collapse of an old order”.  The solar eclipse of June 21 at [20ge] on horizon axis of the War chart activating the Primary Direction has hastened the collapse.

Another major direction (forming)  is “prog. Sun square Neptune”. With Saturn – the planet we associate with a “reality check” – transiting over Neptune and about to station in October this direction too is being activated.

Neptune is escapism in all its guises. Whether it's the glamour of the movies or the world of drugs and drink, the Neptunian world is cut off from reality or anesthetized from pain. To seek existence in such a world is illusory. The movie finishes, the drugs wear off, the hangover brings sickness, and suffering is even more acute.

[1] The horoscope of the Afghan War



