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Astrology of Hurricane Henri


The first impacts of Henri dropped record-breaking rainfall, giving New York City its wettest day in seven years. Henri had already delivered record-breaking rain totals and widespread flooding hours before its projected landfall Sunday afternoon. Heavy rain overwhelmed storm drains and drivers plowed through foot-deep water in a few spots Saturday night in New York City and New Jersey.

The power of eclipses to affect events long after they are gone is well known. Here is a chart for the 26th May solar eclipse drawn for New York.  Notice that eclipse along with Jupiter forms a T-square with the meridian.  The Sun [5ge] is conjunct the stars of Hyades known to bring “torrential rain”. In the image above, the Hyades star cluster makes up the V-shaped head of the constellation Taurus, the Bull.

The Romans called the Hyades Sidus Hyantis, the “Raining Stars” because legend tells the Hyads rained tears on Earth after the death of their brother Hyas. The appearance of these stars also coincided with the rainy season around the Mediterranean.

Eclipses are activated when progressions bring them to the angles. Here is the progressed eclipse chart for August 22. Note the alignment of the eclipse axis with the meridian.

In addition Jupiter in Pisces is  conjunct the star Fomalhaut in the constellation Pisces Australis – the Southern Fish which is linked to rain and floods [1]




  1. Oups, lost my comment (?)
    I was saying... so mych going on StarWise this weekend, how can we keep track with MAY?! 🤦‍♀️✌


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