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Kabul goes through its “Saigon moment”


The situation in Kabul (well all of Afghanistan) has gone from bad to worst case scenario as a Taliban official says they will soon declare the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan from the presidential palace in Kabul, the Associated Press reported, after reports of the insurgents entering the premises and taking control of it Aug. 16

Eclipses bring changes – a getting rid of the old before the new can come in . Since the old is never ready to leave  on its own, they often open the door to chaos that must precede the coming in of the new.

Here is the chart for the December 14, 2020 total solar eclipse at Kabul. Uranus [7ta] is on the MC making a hard aspect to the eclipse which in turn completes a T-square with Neptune.

In mundane astrology, Uranus on the MC  in a eclipse chart indicates the fall of a government . For the stars on the MC with Uranus, Diana Rosenberg has  “historic battles, massive overwhelming events”.

And for the stars that conjoin the eclipse [23sa], Diana Rosenberg writes “warning of evacuations”.  These were the same stars that were conjunct the December 13, 1974 solar eclipse [21sa] that preceded   the fall of Saigon on 29-30 April 1975. Here Neptune was conjunct the north node and eclipse on the IC.

In its negative manifestation,  Neptune usually shows up as fantasies i.e.  imagination without the power to fulfill dreams giving rise to weakness and generally failures to keep our commitments to ourselves or others.

With Neptune aspects the  lunar nodes events occur that bring us face to face with  ‘skipped steps’ lessons we may have struggled to complete in the past and are now forced to address with heavier karmic debt. With nodal squares, there can be frustrating or even painful repeated themes that are continuously brought up in our lives, to nudge us to fulfill our karmic lessons in this life since we failed to do so in the past [1].

If we progress the December 14, 2020  eclipse chart to August 16, 2021, notice that the  Neptune-Eclipse-Nodes  T-square aligns with the horizon and is thereby triggered. Compare that with  December 13, 1974 eclipse chart progressed to April 30, 1975 (fall of Saigon). In this case the Neptune-Eclipse-Nodes  form a hard aspect to the horizon confirming our thesis.





To complete the picture, here is the chart for the December 14, 2020 solar eclipse progressed to August 16, 2021 for the midpoint between Kabul and Washington DC. Notice the perfect alignment of the Neptune-Eclipse T-square with the horizon.

And since this took place on Biden’s watch, it should come as no surprise that his progressed solar return (precession corrected) has the Neptune-Node T-square aligned with the angles on August 15-16.

