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New Moon: Leave limiting life patterns


The upcoming New Moon[16le14]  of 8 August is amid the stars Acubens and Dubhe.

Acubens, Alpha Cancer, indicates entrapment in dogma. This can be the current political / religious beliefs of the times, as well as that created by our personal belief structures—the ideas we have about our lives and experiences we have in our lives. Acubens indicates a tenacious hold and stubborn resistance to release the patterns we hold that keep us entrapped in our limiting life scenarios.

Dubhe, Alpha Ursa Major, embodies the pursuit for a greater vision beyond the accepted political-religious dogmas of the human world that keep humanity in darkness and delusion; and against the controlling forces perpetuating that dogmatic rule. Dubhe asks us to emerge from the collective and our own personal dogmas (our belief structures) and our limiting life patterns that keep us bound in life scenarios that are less than those we truly want. Dubhe supports us to strive for a new and better future rather than merely staying reactive to the limitations we have already created and reinforce with our existing beliefs. Nick Fiorenza

In addition, the New Moon is conjunct the midpoint Venus/Hades [16le00]. About this combination Martha Wescott writes:

If we see Venus as “valuing”, Hades indicates undervaluing , negation of valuing – of the self or others, thus people can demean or prostitute themselves (and there are a thousand ways to do this apart from the obvious one) for love, for money, for appreciation or through what is perceived as compromise; one may do menial or degrading jobs for money; poverty, lack, depression can be bartered for love; one can equate compromise or acceptance with loss or humiliation; love that is confused with serving ,  servility or strong feelings such as loneliness, melancholia or pity; love of the past whether it be past lives, antiquity, history, archaeology or one’s own past.
