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Saturn-Uranus square: Innocent man released


Every time Joshua Spriestersbach tried telling the doctors, nurses, and staff at a state hospital in Hawaii that they had the wrong man, no one listened and his protests were answered with drugs. After nearly three years, the blithering idiots running the hospital finally figured out their blunder and instead of fixing their mistake, they covered it up by quietly kicking Spriestersbach out on the street with only 50 cents to his name. Aug. 6

As regular readers are aware, the square between Saturn and Uranus in 2021 is  the defining astrological theme of the year. Astrological "squares" are known for creating tension between two points — and with this one involving Saturn, the Planet of Rules and Boundaries, and Uranus, the Planet of Freedom and Rebellion, things can  get intense. In the best case scenario the  tension between the changes that need to happen and the obstacles, roadblocks, and resistance to that change,  eventually wake us  up to  face the truth, address the breakdown, break away from a bad situation, or fix what isn’t working [1].  

The Innocence Project is a nonprofit legal organization that is committed to exonerating individuals who have been wrongly convicted, through the use of DNA testing and working to reform the criminal justice system to prevent future injustice.

Events related to the Saturn-Uranus square often take place when  activated by the fast moving planets. On August 4, the Waning Crescent Moon has the Sun very significantly placed  on the Ascendant at Honolulu completing a T-square with Saturn-Uranus on the angles.  

In the previous post New Moon: Leave limiting life patterns [2]  , I wrote about the stars Acubens and Dubhe which are here on the Ascendant of the Waning Cresent Moon chart.

Acubens, Alpha Cancer, indicates entrapment in dogma created by our personal belief structures. Dubhe, Alpha Ursa Major, embodies the pursuit for a greater vision beyond the accepted dogmas of the human world that keep humanity in darkness and delusion; and against the controlling forces perpetuating that dogmatic rule. Nick Fiorenza

Finally the Sabian symbol for the Moon [28ge] says it all.

28º Gemini: Society granting bankruptcy to him, a man leaves the court.

Release of self from collective pressure impossible to bear. 



