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Uranus Station: Getting Ready to Make a Statement


Today, August 20,  Uranus turns retrograde, but it has been virtually stationary at 14 degrees Taurus for six weeks.  When a planet prepares for a direction change it appears to be at a standstill.  Charts  elements affected by the Uranus position are likely to be see sudden changes. Erin Sullivan in her book Retrograde Planets describes how  Uranus retrograde works: 

Uranus transits suddenly disengage us from what have been secure points of reference. During the direct transit we are increasingly separated from the known, but the subsequent retrograde phase reconnects back to an aspect of ourselves from which we have been cut off and desensitized. 

On some level everyone has a desire to create the perfect system and destroy existing systems. Uranus retrograde phase provoke an internal revolution against systems that no longer support holistic survival. We gradually replace old models with new models as the slow process of the Uranus transit through a house transforms our perspectives. 

The first contact (during the direct phase)  brings the sudden awareness that all is not ‘right’ but it is often difficult to discern which part of oneself or one's environment is inappropriate to the future. One begins to cast about, looking outside oneself for the cause of the anxiety or turbulence. Frequently, the anxiety is infused with a sense of anticipation and adventurousness which encourages one to explore new horizons and allows greater disruption to routine. The inner homoeostatic mechanism, which unconsciously governs and regulates one's normal behaviour, suddenly wobbles, and what was once considered risky can seem less so. 

Because of Uranus' affiliation with the ‘ideal’, the initial transit can suffuse an individual with a sense of dissatisfaction. All that used to be comforting and stable becomes boring and staid, dull and unbearably stultifying. This feeling is not always positive because it may introduce change too radically, involving a whole system or network of interrelated ideas or people, all of whom will unwittingly and indirectly participate in the Uranus person's transformation. Much of the anxiety that accompanies Uranus' initial transit to a planet or point is the result of being unexpectedly introduced to limitless possibility and Uranus' initial transit to a planet or point is the result of being unexpectedly introduced to limitless possibility and unbounded horizons. Suddenly one is no longer contained or bound by convention, but with no alternative pattern to respond to. The lack of containment and inability immediately to re-create security is normally experienced as chaos. However, chaos is the genesis of all things, and the long-term process of the Uranus cycle is gradually to introduce a new perspective. A secondary anxiety that people feel when Uranus begins to work on a natal pattern is related to the degree to which they are responsible for the lives of others, and the insecurity which they will inadvertently introduce to others in their immediate environment.


To illustrate the action of Uranus [1] with an example, we look at  Joe Biden’s inauguration chart where Uranus at [6ta] is about 8 degrees above the Ascendant [14ta] – the exact Uranus station position. Biden’s inauguration chart is for all practical purposes, the horoscope of the US under his presidency.  Notice that Pluto is on the MC so that Uranus – Pluto are in a mundane square. For Ebertin, Uranus-Pluto symbolizes the collapse of an old order. For an entity as large and diverse as a country, the collapse may not be a single event. Often the outer planets  create incidents within a larger framework that any astute observer will correlate with the process of collapse at work. 

For Uranus in the First House in a mundane chart, H.S. Green writes: “strikes, lawlessness, turbulence, a spirit of discontent or rebellion…some misfortune falls upon the Government”.  Readers may have already connected the chaotic events in Afghanistan in the last few days with the Uranus station on the Ascendant of the chart. 

An edifice that has just been shaken by Uranus may see bigger blows coming with the Saturn and Pluto station coming up on 11th  and 6th  Oct respectively. Both these stations are in the 10th house that rules the Government and the party in power,  so that we are likely to see major upheavals soon. Pluto’s stripping away process is programmed to destroy Capricorn’s false walls. The transit serves to expose the corrupt workings of the system - both the rationalizations that perpetuate the reality base, and the corrupt individuals, organizations, corporations, etc., who have learned to use the system to their self-serving advantage.


[1] Uranus Station Retrograde in Taurus: The Shaken not Stirred Planet, is Getting Ready to Make a Statement
