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Draconic Full Moon activates Pluto


The word draconic comes from the Latin names for the Lunar Nodes: the dragon’s head, or the Lunar North Node, named Cauda, and the dragon’s tail, or the Lunar South Node, named Draconis. Unlike tropical zodiac birth charts, draconic astrology begins with the North Node at zero degrees Aries. Astrologers have discovered that when planets in the  draconic  zodiac conjoin  planets  in the tropical zodiac  the tropical positions are activated  through resonance.

As  an example for the Sep.21 Full Moon the  draconic positions of the luminaries were Sun [24cn] – Moon [24cp].  Therefore the draconic Full Moon is activating tropical Pluto which has been hovering around 24 – 26 cp for most of the year. This means that all radix, directed and mundane charts which have Pluto [24-26cp] in a significant position would get a major push from the Full Moon giving rise to radical events. I can think of a few examples but readers are encouraged to look for more.

Example 1

In a previous post Pluto Station and the Biden Presidency [1]; I wrote

In Biden’s inauguration chart we see Pluto on the MC (cusp of 10th house) which rules the President. Notice that it is in direct motion at [24cp]. It remained in direct motion till April 27 when it stationed retrograde at [26cp48]. Since then it has been moving backwards and will now station on Oct. 6 at [24cp] right on top of the radix inauguration Pluto. This is the time when Biden’s presidency is at its most vulnerable.  In his book Planets in Transit, Robert Hand writes about transit Pluto conjunct the MC. “With Pluto, what is required is not just success; it must be won properly. If you have had to violate the rules of your game in order to win, this transit is likely to bring you crashing down in failure.

Example 2

The mundane horoscope of Australia [Jan.1, 1901; 1:35:42 pm AEST] relocated to Melbourne has its MC at [26cp] over which Pluto has been transiting. The draconic Full Moon fell opposite Pluto, on the IC of the chart – the point linked to the earth, giving rise to the unexpected earthquake .

Example 3

It may be “Time To Say Goodbye To The Everything Bubble” [2]. Why? Look at the chart for the NYSE [3]. Saturn [26ar] on the MC opposite Jupiter [22li]-Neptune [27li].  Transit Pluto [24cp] stationing on Oct 6 and of course activated by the draconic Full Moon [24cp] forms a T square with the NYSE meridian ready to whack this chart!





