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Evergrande’s Endgame Begins


It took Evergrande less than a day to go from denying "rumors" of bankruptcy (as per a statement posted on its website earlier today), to confirming that a bankruptcy is imminent.  Sep.13

Mundane astrology (or the astrology of nations) is most revealing when the national chart is studied along with the event charts e.g. ingresses, eclipses, lunations etc.  Presented here is the national chart of China. Here Saturn is in the 8th house. Among other things Saturn rules buildings, real estate [1]. In the 8th house it is more specifically associated with losses accompanying financial gambles or high-risk activities [2].  Recall that the New Moon of  Sept. 7 fell right on top of China’s radix Saturn. In a way it was focusing attention to this area.

Notice that Saturn makes a hard aspect to the Ascendant [1aq52]…the Sabian symbol for which is:


The emphasis on "unexpected" tends to accent the sudden and dangerous character of the event. Such a thunderstorm in a region of dry hills can cause a devastating flood. At any rate, it refers to an event for which one is not prepared — a menace to men's works.

Next we look at the current solar return chart for China. Here we notice a Jupiter-Pluto-Saturn conjunction on the MC square Mars. With Pluto already stationary and about to go direct on Oct.7, this combination is activated.  For the containment  Jupiter-Pluto-Saturn, we  have “ obsessive  growth and expansion plans encounter limitations and intense frustrations”.

Finally, the upcoming lunar eclipse of Nov.19 is placed very significantly on the horizon at Beijing in Tauras – the sign that rules real estate.  It is conjunct the TNP Admetus (blockage; delay) and square Jupiter (expansion; growth) resonating with our analysis.



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China's "Lehman Moment" Approaching
