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Russia finally completes Nord Stream 2


The final sections of the controversial Nord Stream 2 pipeline have now been welded into place, Moscow’s state energy giant Gazprom has revealed, bringing construction of the underwater link between Russia and Germany to an end. In a statement issued on Friday, Alexey Miller, Chairman of the Saint Petersburg-based energy giant, said that "at 8.45am this morning Moscow time, work on the Nord Stream 2 pipeline has been completed." Sep. 10

In mundane astrology, the cardinal ingresses of the Sun (entry into the  four cardinal signs i.e. 00 deg of Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn ) have a traditional reputation as important mundane events. Of these many astrologers look upon the Capricorn ingress as the most important referring to it as the Annual Chart.

Presented is the current Capricorn ingress chart for Moscow, Russia.  The Mars-Pluto-Eris-Zeus T-square is brought to our attention since it is prominently aligned with the horizon.

A Mars-Pluto aspect can  provide the  firepower to accomplish one’s  goals. It could be a dramatic increase of motivation. When Mars-Pluto is expressed negatively,  the individual is seeking to force the  will upon others for the sheer sake of power. The  result may vary from disappointment all the way to self destruction. When positive, this energy has the driving force  that moves mountains from inspired passion based on a sense of duty, purpose, and necessity.


If we progress the Capricorn ingress chart to Sep.10, the T-square aligns once again with the horizon and is thereby triggered. 

To complete the picture, recall that In the T-square, the newly discovered dwarf planet Eris (strife or discord) and TNP Zeus (fuels) [1] are involved.  

Finally we look at the horoscope of Russia.  The configuration Admetus opposite Pluto-Cupido forms a T-square with the Ascendant. In the present context, this combination can be delineated as: 

Admetus -Pluto-Cupido: Delays (Admetus) in unions (Cupido) caused by controlling  or manipulative (Pluto) individuals. 

In addition the TNP Admetus  forms a Grand Trine with Jupiter-Uranus-Neptune. The Sep. New Moon [14vi] fell exactly on radix Jupiter activating the Grand Trine. And let us not forget that transit Uranus is conjunct Admetus and trine Jupiter. 

Jupiter is the planet of luck, optimism and expansion. Whilst Uranus symbolises sudden change, rebellion and happenings out of the blue. The result of these two planets in a confrontational stand-off could be a fortunate turn of events that takes you by complete surprise. “Thank God it’s over!” is a term often used to describe a Jupiter/Uranus connection by astrologers. 





