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State Department Blocks Private Rescue Planes

Several reports began to trickle in over the weekend about planes stuck in Afghanistan which are trying to evacuate stranded Americans and Afghan allies. While a 'senior Congressional source' told CBS News on Sunday that 'the Taliban won't let them leave,' several new sources have come forward to blame the Biden State Department for preventing the flights from leaving earlier in the weekend.

Recall that the US Sibly has Neptune in the 9th house [22vi]  (foreign lands) square Mars [21 ge] in the 7th house (enemies).   The long term transit of Neptune [22pi] opposite its radix position [22 vi] has been completing a T-square with radix Mars [21ge]. A Neptune-Mars transit can span a period of 3 years. If we have been too identified with an image of ourselves as powerful and potent, this transit may force us to realize what it feels like to be adrift and unable to get our lives together or achieve our desired goals. We learn what it feels like to lose.

Any combination of Mars-Neptune not only means that we are capable of acting (Mars) with secrecy and deception (Neptune) but that our actions (Mars)  might be unsuccessful (Neptune). We think we have covered our tracks as cleverly as possible, only to be caught out later by some unexpected circumstance.

The recent transit of Mars over the Sibly Neptune in the 9th house (foreign lands and airlines [1]).   is the fast moving trigger that can explain the news story. The Sibly Wynn Key Return for Sep.6, the date of the story, has the Mars-Neptune opposition aligned very significantly with the horizon axis.  Here Neptune makes a hard aspect to the Mercury-Admetus midpoint. Mercury of course rules travel while the TNP Admetus is delays.



