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Why No One Talks About Sweden Anymore?


Over much of 2020 and into 2021, Sweden was persistently criticized by the media and on Twitter arguments due to comparisons to their neighbors, a standard curiously not applicable to most other countries around the world. Yet as we’ve progressed further into 2021, those same media outlets have suddenly gone quiet as their chosen victors have flailed unsuccessfully against ever increasing outbreaks.

The horoscope of Sweden [1] as provided by Astrodienst  is reproduced here.  To examine issues of public health astrologers refer to the 6th house which usually “indicates  periods of national vulnerability to epidemics and widespread diseases” [2].  Here we have Mars [8sa] conjunct the Sun [15sa]  in the 6th house.  Directed solar arc Uranus is currently conjunct radix Mars. This combination makes a person want to do his own thing and not bend to what others want him to do. Moreover Mars is conjunct the star Antares.

About Antares Nick Fiorenza writes:

Antares is the heart of the Scorpion. In classical astrology, Antares is the star of war and weaponry, and with expounded meaning, to challenge the established opposing politics  with tenacious adamancy. This is especially in regard to taking a stand against the established conditions of our personal lives and against the established order or authority directing our lives when those conditions or that authority are no longer in our best interest nor supporting our evolutionary freedom and fulfillment.

The “directed solar arc Uranus conjunct Mars” combination was recently activated by the total lunar eclipse of May 26. The eclipse Sun [6ge] and North Node [11ge] were placed in Gemini. In a previous post I wrote:

With the North Node (the way forward) in Gemini we are being asked to be curious about everything, ask questions, analyze data and form our own opinion.  With South Node (habits to leave behind) in Sagittarius we must overcome  our dependence on prevailing belief systems often the result of  indoctrination by the lower vibrations of Sagittarius.

Also note that Mars [7sa48] makes a square to Eris [8pi25] - TNP Admetus [0pi42]  conjunction which in turn is opposite TNP Poseidon [29le40].Among other things TNP Poseidon refers to media propaganda while Admetus is about being unmoved or cold so that Eris and Pallas in the combination can be delineated as disagreements (Eris)  because one is not ready please another (Pallas) by listening to (Admetus) or  accepting media propaganda (Poseidon).



