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Wisdom comes with age


Man is a star bound to a body, until in the end, he is freed through his strife. Only by struggle and toiling thine utmost shall the star within thee bloom out in new life.

Wisdom cometh to all her children even as they cometh unto wisdom.

The Emerald Tablet

As we get older, we find it increasingly difficult to have the right words ready at the right moment ¬- even though our vocabulary actually grows continuously over the course of our lives. Until now, it was unclear why this is. Researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences and the University of Leipzig have now found out: It is the networks in the brain that change their communication over time. This makes them more inefficient. Sep. 2

The annual eclipses carry deep messages that are best understood in places where they align with the angles. The Total Lunar Eclipse of May 26, 2021 fell on the meridian at Leipzig. The eclipse Sagittarius Moon was placed in the 4th house square the asteroid Memoria! Among other things, the 4th house represents “the vulnerability of old age” [1]. 

The Sun with the TNP Admetus and the North  Node are placed in Gemini. The zodiacal sign Gemini is often depicted as two young people and has been linked to youth. Being an air sign ruled by Mercury it has been associated with “mental agility”  [2].

In his book The Pulse of Life, Dane Rudhyar writes:

In Gemini we see language in its incipient stage, mind being born with the creative fervor of the Day-force in springtime. We see the poet, the artist in words expressing his self for the sheer joy of building his own personality through the extension and the memorizing of particular experiences in relationship — the poet, not yet the philosopher; words that are rooted in images of the living and in personal experience, rather than in the search for universal meanings conditioned by social experience (Sagittarius).

In its higher manifestation, Sagittarius  is about abstraction and metaphysics  and searches for distant connections – distilling wisdom (Sagittarius) from information and data (Gemini).  With the South Node in Sagittarius, the eclipse is pointing to the consequences of failures resulting from the inability to live up to the higher task set by Sagittarius. With old age, the eclipse in 4th is reminding us of  our failure to search for universal meanings. The mental agility of youth (Sun-North Node-Admetus  in Gemini) is prized over the depth of understanding  that old age should have garnered.   For the TNP Admetus, Blake Finley gives the positive  keywords “Clearing away of nonessentials; Depth; Profundity” but negatively  “ inertia; isolation; self-absorption and disconnection”. [3]

Often Sabian symbols give us a clue to whether we are on the right track.  Notice that the eclipse is anchored to Pluto in Capricorn [26cp37].  If  Capricorn (ruled by Saturn) is about old age, and  Pluto is about transformation… think transformation that should come with old age.  


KEYNOTE: The ascent of the individualized consciousness to the highest realizations reached by the spiritual leaders of its culture.

The reach for a higher consciousness  is what the eclipse is asking for…not just brooding over the loss of youth and mental agility…what is required is depth and profundity not inertia and disconnection.

To find out whether the eclipse is relevant to the news, let us progress the eclipse chart to Sep.2 (the date of the news). Notice that on this date, the eclipse which was originally aligned with the meridian now appears on the horizon and is therefore triggered.




