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Austrian Chancellor resigns at Pluto station


Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz resigned after pressure over accusation in a corruption scandal. Kurz, 35, who denied any wrongdoing was under fire from his own coalition partner the Greens. Kurz said he wanted to "end the stalemate to prevent chaos" as he stepped down from office. The outgoing Chancellor put forward the name of foreign minister Alexander Schallenberg as the new head which the Greens said was the "right step for future government work". Kurz and nine others have been placed under corruption investigation involving suspicious corrupt deal to ensure positive media coverage between 2016 and 2018. Oct 10


To recap,  Pluto retrograde  began on April 27 at 26° Capricorn and has just ended on October 6 at 24° Capricorn. While Pluto was retrograde, we were more inclined to turn inward and bury our deepest truths and wishes. But Pluto direct is like a green light to confront the darkest parts of ourselves and others. This isn't a negative thing, but rather it's a way of bringing truth out into the light so it can be dealt with.

Sebastian Kurz’s horoscope as provided by Astro-Databank [1]  is reproduced here. Currently transit Pluto that has just turned direct squares the radix TNP Poseidon-Pluto conjunction  on the IC.

 In her book, The Orders of Light, Martha Wescott interprets the combination as:

Pluto-Poseidon: to recognize the power of ideology, advertising (media?), persuasion or beliefs – and to see attempts to control, dominate or manipulate people through these things.

In a previous post [2], I wrote:

Currently Pluto is moving through Capricorn – the sign that rules governments and leaders. Pluto’s stripping away process is programmed to destroy Capricorn’s false walls. The transit serves to expose the corrupt individuals, organizations, corporations, etc., who have learned to use the system to their self-serving advantage.

With Pluto-Poseidon on the IC, the upper meridian (MC) is also implicated.

Robert Hand writes about transit Pluto to  the MC. “With Pluto, what is required is not just success; it must be won properly. If you have had to violate the rules of your game in order to win, this transit is likely to bring you crashing down in failure”.



