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Indian supreme court orders inquiry into use of Pegasus spyware


India's supreme court has ordered an independent inquiry into whether the government used the surveillance software Pegasus to spy illegally on journalists, activists and political opponents. The decision on Wednesday  (oct. 27) to create an independent committee to investigate whether and how the Indian state had used the Israeli spyware tool was a significant victory for privacy campaigners after years of stonewalling by Narendra Modi's government.

The monthly lunations are good indicators of major events especially when they fall on significant elements of a national chart. The Full Moon of Oct. 20 [27ar] fell in the 12th house of India’s chart. It was conjunct radix Hades [26ar] and square radix Moon [27cn] in the 3rd house.  

The 3rd house rules all kinds of communication and communication devices  including phones. The  significations of the 12th house include secret enemies, spies and spying. [1]

By itself, the Full Moon was also square  Pluto  currently in Capricorn and transiting through the 9th house of India’s chart. The 9th house rules courts and the legal system. In Capricorn, Pluto is linked to the misuse of power by governments.

In addition the Full Moon Sun [27li] was conjunct the asteroids Atlantis [24li] and Pandora [27li]. Martha Wescott defines these asteroids as below [2].

ATLANTIS: invasions of privacy; access to inside or confidential information.

PANDORA: Encountering unexpected consequences

It is now fairly easy to reconstruct the news from the pieces highlighted above.



