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Kamala Harris’ space video produced by Sinking Ship Entertainment



Vice President Kamala Harris has been mocked by conservative voices over a NASA video in which she talks about space exploration with children who turned out to be actors. Marking World Space Week, the YouTube video titled Get Curious With Vice President Harris, shows five teenagers talking about space on a trip to Washington, DC where they visit the Naval Observatory.

Critics of Vice President Kamala Harris have seized on her appearance in a NASA video for children and on Monday took to social media to make fun of the production company's name behind the video: Sinking Ship Entertainment.

In 1952 Swiss psychologist Carl Jung published Synchronicity: An Acausal Connecting Principle, one of the most controversial works of his career. In this book, Jung summarized decades of research on the subject of coincidence, concluding that such phenomena hold important secrets about the deeper nature of reality. For the astrologer, coincidence is the visible aspect of a more pervasive framework of design that connects apparently unconnected events.

Presented here is the chart of the upcoming Full Moon [27ar]  of Oct. 20 drawn for Washington DC where it is placed in the 5th house which has rulership over children as well as actors! The  Sun [27li] is conjunct stars in the keel of the celestial ship Argo. This was the legendary ship in which Jason and the Argonauts set out into the vast unchartered seas in search of the Golden Fleece. Among other things, Diana Rosenberg links the  stars here with  storms and sinking ships! Moreover Pluto [24cp] in the mundane 2nd house,  completes a T-square to the Full Moon axis and is amid stars which Diana Rosenberg links to “shipwrecks as well as far ranging voyages of exploration”.  The 2nd house  rules the finances of a country  including  banks and other financial institutions and with the square from the 5th, stock markets are also implicated.  By now it is well known that  with its unpayable  debt, the US finances are in shambles.  Can  it be a coincidence that the name of the production company behind the video is Sinking Ship Entertainment?

Using a Uranian astrology 90 degree sort we have:

Moon = Zeus/Apollon =Neptune/Admetus

Apollon: science; exploration and long distance travel [1]

Apollon/Zeus: to awaken interest in students [2].

Neptune/Admetus: Efforts to deceive face obstacles.


The Sabian symbol for the Full Moon which also happens to be Kamala Harris’ radix Moon is:


Great hopes, excited expectations cannot be sustained. The last symbol reveals the performer's state of consciousness; in this one he is actually made fully aware of having promised - to the many elements of his own personality as well as perhaps to other human beings - more than he was able to deliver.

