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Russia sacks prison officials amid torture reports


Chained Andromeda freed from Sea Monster Cetus

This week, a non-government organisation looking out for corruption and the mistreatment of prisoners in Russia’s correctional system published a massive archive featuring videos, photos and documents containing evidence of the suspected systemic torture and abuse of inmates in a prison hospital in Russia’s Saratov region. Five prison officials have been sacked, checks have been initiated, and a criminal probe launched following the publication of a trove of over 40 gigabytes of materials of gruesome abuses at one of Russia’s prison colonies. Oct.8


Readers would be aware that Pluto has just stationed direct. This means that all radix, directed and mundane charts which have Pluto [24-26cp] in a significant position are getting a major push to move forward.

To recap,  Pluto retrograde  began on April 27 at 26° Capricorn and ends on October 6 at 24° Capricorn. While Pluto was retrograde, we were more inclined to turn inward and bury our deepest truths and wishes. But Pluto direct is like a green light to confront the darkest parts of ourselves and others. This isn't a negative thing, but rather it's a way of bringing truth out into the light so it can be dealt with. This works as a catalyst on both personal and collective levels, so we can all expect Pluto's powers to transform our lives in one way or another now.

As an example let us look at the solar return chart for Russia [1]  relocated for the Saratov region. Notice the Mars (Aries)-Pluto (Capricorn) square aligned with the meridian.  For Ebertin, Mars-Pluto is “the misfortune to suffer violent assaults; brutality”.   With Pluto in Capricorn, being challenged by the square from Mars in Aries,  people can become much more assertive in response to abuses of power at this time. If we add the star images, things become even clearer. Mars [24 ar] is amid stars of the prisoner or chained Princess Andromeda and the tyrannical or authoritarian King Cepheus.  And Pluto [24cp] is amidst stars of the Eagle which often degenerates into a ravening Vulture. Doesn’t the image of the cruel Eagle/ Vulture feeding on the carcass of a prisoner  symbolically depict the news?

If we are on the right track, progressing the return chart to Oct.8 should give us a clue. And sure enough when we do progress the chart the Mars-Pluto square now aligns with the horizon thereby triggering the radix.


[1] Russia; December 25, 1991; 5:20 pm UT; Moscow
