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Saturn-Uranus square and the COP26


For 26 futile years, the net-zero maniacs have wasted fuel, energy, and taxpayers' money to bite the hands that provide their food, energy, welfare, and public-sector jobs. Led by E.U. and AUKUS dreamers, they destroy reliable energy from coal, oil, nuclear, gas, and hydro while forcing us to subsidize net-negative dreams like solar, wind, wave-power, CCUS, hot rocks, pumped hydro, and hydrogen.  All such speculative ventures should be funded by speculators, not taxpayers.


 The 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference, also known as COP26, is the 26th United Nations Climate Change conference. It is scheduled to be held in Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom, between 31 October and 12 November 2021, under the co-presidency of the United Kingdom and Italy.

To understand, the astrology of the COP26, I will use the current sidereal Capricorn Ingress chart drawn for Glasgow.  Along with the Sun there are five planets placed in the 4th house which rules ecological and environmental concerns. These planets form one leg of a Grand Cross. Of particular interest is the square from Saturn-Jupiter in Aquarius  to Mars-Uranus in Tauras.

In a previous post Saturn square Uranus: Change or disruption [1], I wrote:

Saturn and Uranus possess contrasting qualities, including how the consolidating contraction of Saturn that builds enduring structures can come into conflict with the accelerated vision of Uranus that resists restrictions and insists on making innovative changes to the status quo.

The hard Saturn-Uranus alignments are periods of growth and change but that doesn’t mean all change is good. When you embrace change for its own sake it often means nothing really changes because it’s too superficial. It’s also important to recognise the difference between old structures that are good and useful and necessary, and those that are worn out. If you don’t, you could end up getting rid of things you need.

One of the biggest ironies to start this decade is the transition from fossil fuel generation to green energy has created a global energy crisis that is forcing the U.S., among many other countries, to restart coal-fired power plants monumentally ahead of the winter season.

But how can we be sure that it is indeed the Saturn-Uranus square contained in the Capsolar Grand Cross that is at heart of the COP26 in Glasgow. Well all we need to do is progress the chart to Oct. 31, when the conference is due to begin and sure enough we find the square aligned with the meridian implying that its energy is central to the theme of the conference.


[1] Saturn square Uranus: Change or disruption
