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Eclipse throws new light on gut infections


A simple stomach bug could do a lot of damage. There are 100 million neurons scattered along the gastrointestinal tract—directly in the line of fire—that can be stamped out by gut infections, potentially leading to long-term GI disease. But there may be an upside to enteric infection. A new study finds that mice infected with bacteria or parasites develop a unique form of tolerance quite unlike the textbook immune response. Oct. 29

Eclipses carry subtle messages at  places where they are part of significant planetary combinations  aspecting the angles. The upcoming 19th Nov. lunar eclipse chart drawn for Manhattan, NY  - the location of   Rockefeller University is shown here. The eclipse axis makes harmonious aspects to the meridian. The eclipse Sun [27ta] – S.Node [1sa] is conjunct the  asteroid Aesculapia [2sa] and in hard aspect to Hygiea [16li] on the Ascendant. Both these asteroids aspect the TNPs Kronos-Hades.

Hades: research; investigation into the root cause of problems; bowels; vermin or toxins [1]

Kronos:  authorities [1]

Aesculapia/Hygiea : medical or health issues [1]

Aesculapia-Hades: medical research; to trace the origin of illness; bacterial origin of illness [2]

On the  MC (upper meridian)  is the asteroid Demeter [24cn] opposite Pluto [24cp] on the IC (lower meridian).

Demeter-Pluto: Interest in the effect of foods on the metabolism or excretory function; bowel problems [2]

When we fear new realities, there is an unfortunate tendency to see only their negative and threatening aspects. After many years of negative misconceptions, we now understand Pluto as the human capacity to create, grow, regenerate, and transform after facing difficulties.  The researchers at Rockefeller University are recognizing this truth contained in the eclipse chart.

Mucida says. " Does a prior infection activate these macrophages to protect the neurons in future infections?"



[2] The Orders of Light; Martha Wescott 
