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France Escalates Feud With UK Over "Fisheries" Deal


It appears the Brexit fisheries dispute is flaring back up. After what has been a rocky year of near-confrontations between France (which is leading the EU parties concerned about access to nominally "British" fisheries) and the UK over fisheries access, a key compromise included in the UK-EU post-Brexit trade treaty.


Eclipses are powerful creating significant events when they fall on the horizon or meridian. The upcoming December 4 solar eclipse falls on the Ascendant at the midpoint of London and Paris. It makes a Yod with Hades-Kronos and Uranus. Martha Wescott delineates these combinations as below: 


You may be aware of people who act "bad" to achieve "their own rules" and to create disruptions (and to insist on "freedom."). And because people react abruptly, they often make a situation worse. Friendships will likewise be subjected to this "bad to worse" kind of trend. And, some times, that may mean that tenuous friendships take a turn or for the worse. You see, this is a time when things can SUDDENLY take a "dog leg to the left." Since many will sense this, there will also be a kind of t-e-n-s-i-o-n... an underlying anxiety that, at the last moment, or at any moment, something can happen, something can go wrong, someone will act in a way that really upsets the applecart. 


There may be reactions because rules don't have enough room in them for exceptions or for people to be individuals--and you may notice some autocratic attitudes that have the same effect (and are dogmatic even if they don't appear to be.) 

Notice how elegantly this describes the essence of the news. Moreover, the eclipse along with Mercury makes a slightly wide square to Neptune in Pisces - the sign of the Fishes!
