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Lunar Eclipse reveals horror of Syrian airstrike


On Saturday, the New York Times published an in-depth look at a series US airstrikes that killed at least 80 people, including up to 64 women and children, near Bāghūz, Syria, on March 18, 2019. The US Central Command, which oversees US air operations in Syria, has since responded to the report and, for the first time, confirmed that it took place. As the public learns more about the previously unreported US airstrikes in eastern Syria, a number of questions have been raised about the report's timing, the actual casualty count, and possible procedural violations by US military leadership.Nov.15

Eclipses are powerful and while they are world wide in scope, their effect is most strongly felt at places where they fall on the angles (horizon or meridian). We are now on the threshold of the lunar eclipse of  Nov.19 that is already shaping world events.  At Bāghūz, Syria, the eclipse aligns with the meridian. The eclipse Moon [27ta] is conjunct the dreaded star Algol, beta Perseus, Medusa’s head. Algol marks great tragedies, the sort of events in which many die or are killed brutally. The Chinese astrologers referred to it as Tsi-Chi, “The Heaped-Up Corpses”. Nevertheless, the strong sword arm of Perseus, the Hero or Rescuer is also here, protecting the innocent from evil-doers. Diana Rosenberg’s research found Algol prominent  not only in the charts of criminals but also in those of journalists  who covered tragedies.

The eclipse axis forms a T-square with fortunate Jupiter conjunct the star Sadalsuud, beta Aquarii, in the left shoulder of the humanitarian Water Bearer. About this area of stars, Diana Rosenberg writes:

Aquarius’ ancient identity as Gula, “the great female physician” brings in medicine and healing, but harder to heal are the rabid hatreds and divisions that afflict so many here: under these stars extreme intolerance and mindless destruction are rampant and both perpetrators and victims are represented ….the best of them come to fight for the underdogs, standing up for what they believe and seek new ways around problems…the healing stream of the Celestial Water Bearer, works quietly and patiently to bring unity among peoples of the Earth, re-connecting humans to each other and to God.


