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Queen ousted as Barbados decolonizes


Scorpio 28 (27° - 28°): King of the fairies approaching his domain

At midnight on Monday, Barbados will swear in Governor General Sandra Mason as its first president. The Caribbean island will then cut ties with the UK, removing the British monarch as its head of state after nearly 400 years. The Barbadian parliament voted last month to replace Queen Elizabeth II with Mason, allowing the country to finally move beyond its history as the oldest colony of the British Empire.

 Eclipses bring changes – a getting rid of the old before the new can come – similar to ‘an opening of the gates’, so to speak. They synchronise with major shifts in consciousness and can act as a seed for future change – where we ‘suddenly see the light’. Mundane charts speak to us primarily through planets on the angles (horizon or meridian). The lunar eclipse of November 19 drawn for Bridgetown, Barbados has a Mars-Saturn-Uranus T-square aligned with the horizon.

The square between Saturn and Uranus in 2021 is the defining astrological theme of the year. Astrological "squares" are known for creating tension between two points — and with this one involving Saturn, the Planet of Rules and Boundaries, and Uranus, the Planet of Freedom and Rebellion, things get intense. 

In its evolved expression, Saturn can combine with Uranus bringing the ability to spontaneously change and to create new frontiers in experience and consciousness. Therefore, 2021 can be looked upon as a year of evolution. This may manifest as releasing something you've outgrown. Some of the manifestations of this transit may include: sudden job and work changes, break-ups of relationships that aren’t committed or stable, and desire for greater freedom from anything that is no longer working. With Mars in the mix, the desire for breaking away from stagnant situations is even stronger.


If we now progress the eclipse chart to midnight, November 30 when the Queen will officially cede her position, we find that the Sun [27sc] reaches the Ascendant as the Full Moon eclipse aligns with the progressed horizon. The Sabian symbol for the Sun says it all! 


Scorpio 28 (27° - 28°): King of the fairies approaching his domain 


We demonstrate true allegiance not to causes similar to ours, but to causes that actually define us. There is but one cause that defines us completely – it is our own life. Our own domain is none other than the circumstances of our life, and we approach that domain as does a king expressing sovereignty.


