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Eclipse Ignites EU’s Russophobia Absurdity



European gas prices hit a new record high on Tuesday after a pipeline that brings Russian gas to Germany switched to flow east, a move the Kremlin said had no political implications, while two big German customers said Gazprom was meeting supply obligations. Westward gas flows through the Yamal-Europe pipeline, one of the major routes for Russian gas to Europe, had been falling since Saturday and, after stopping early on Tuesday, reversed direction, data from network operator Gascade showed .


Russophobia and geopolitical cynicism know no bounds among certain Western politicians and media commentators. Thankfully, however, such a negative mindset is increasingly exposed for its ridiculous irrationality. Europe’s current energy crisis and market turmoil have nothing to do with Russia as a primary factor. The pent-up demand after a year of economic quiescence due to the coronavirus pandemic, the low storage of natural gas by European countries due to government policies, the switch to renewable energy sources not being able to meet demand, and the approach of winter – have all compounded the overall supply of gas.

In this blogpost we shall see that the November 19 lunar eclipse [27ta] activated a major T-square in the chart for the European Union and is the primary astrological reason for the EU’s mindless actions. 

The table below gives the positions of the major planets, asteroids and TNPs  in the EU chart activated by the eclipse. 


23 aq 38'45"


24 sc 6'24"


24 sc 7'54"


24 ta 19'55"


24 sc 45'37"


24 le 57'16"


25 le 30'25"

Let us begin with focusing on Saturn [24aq] - the apex of the T-square in the 7th house. In mundane astrology, the 7th house rules “treaties and agreements with other countries” as well as “enemies [1]. For the purpose of our analysis imagine Russia depicting the 7th house enemy. Next look at Mars-Pluto in the 4th house. Among other things that are included in 4th “house matters, Deborah Houlding includes “supplies that feed the nation from beneath the earth - such as the pipes of the water or gas industry” [2] . Wow! Now things become really interesting. Is Russia - the “enemy” also the “gas supplier”?


Mars/Pluto (Scorpio) square Saturn (Aquarius) 

Saturn in Aquarius (Russia?) may have a vision of group interactions for a better society, but has it taken into account the deep seated animosity and complexes (Mars-Pluto in Scorpio) which obscure the ability of people to relate to others fairly and objectively? The raging needy infant (Scorpio) in us (EU?) can wreck havoc in our relationships with friends and groups (Aquarius). 

Next we look at the interaction between other elements of the T-square, For definitions please refer to Martha Wescott [3]. 


I want to say too that you'll see over-reactions both TO anger and that manifest AS anger. I'd expect people to have moments of rage because they feel misled or deceived-- and it's important that, when angry, people don't do things that are self-destructive or non-productive. 


You'll see shifting power roles within groups, including awareness of: upheavals, power dynamics, control issues and unhealthy emotional patterns in group interaction; The fact that values have changed will affect group, relationships and businesses-- and these "social units" are also due for a catharsis (which means there will be recognition that interactions have become "unhealthy"--if not toxic-- and that there needs to be some "drama" in order for people to return to a place of honesty with themselves and in their dealings with others.) Some of this "drama" is psychological... and some of it is financial. Sometimes people try to "run" (or dominate) others (instead of facing their own inner "stuff") and this is a year when that will be more obvious, and more problematic. There will be events that seek to prove to you that, when it comes to group issues, your will, desire or efforts not only don't matter, but are ineffective! Some issues are "bigger than you are," and it'll be other members of your group or relationships that leave no doubt about it! 


There are a string of events in the year whose purpose is to "destroy what a person does because of their control needs" (and I mean to include here their desire to control or dominate others AND their attempts to control themselves.) 







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