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Russia issues ultimatum to NATO



For the first time ever since the collapse of the Soviet Union, the Kremlin has put its foot down. No NATO for Ukraine and Georgia. the Kremlin’s acceptance over many years of insults and provocations encouraged more until Russia’s very existence became threatened. Now that the foot has come down, will Washington’s arrogance and hubris allow Washington to notice? 

Not if the Russian media keep whining about unfair treatment of Russia, now denounced for allegedly not meeting its WTO commitments and threatened with being kicked out of the international monetary and payments system. 

A great power doesn’t whine. It presents as a danger that other countries avoid antagonizing. But this has not been the Russian way. The Russian Foreign Ministry sports its good will and good intentions as if Washington cared. Washington does not. Paul Craig Roberts.


Draconic charts [1] can be a valuable tool of analysis in mundane astrology. Transits in the tropical zodiac superimposed on the draconic chart can explain events that otherwise astrologers would be hard pressed to understand. Presented here is a bi-wheel. The inner wheel is Russia’s national chart [Dec.25, 17:20 UT, Moscow] in the draconic zodiac and the outer wheel is the current tropical Capricorn ingress.


Before we compare the two charts, let us first look at Russia’s draconic chart (inner wheel). Notice the Venus-Pluto conjunction [11-12aq] in the 4th forming a T-square with the horizon axis. 

In any radix chart, squares between Pluto and the Ascendant suggest the ability to misrepresent oneself. Then in a nation’s chart the Pluto/Descendant square invites enemies (7th house) whose task it is to keep us authentic often through shocking confrontations and interactions. This then leads to a situation where our real self is then hopefully unmasked. 

Now superimpose the current tropical transits and we see that Saturn [11aq] is conjunct the radix draconic Pluto [11aq]. 

A Saturn transit to radix Pluto can be very liberating especially for those of us who have not been too aggressive with our Plutonian drives. In this case defiance and rage have not been a part of our repertoire in dealing with powerful individuals or entities. Then this Saturn transit allows us the transformative option of bringing more of our Pluto potential into a concrete, workable form. It also brings emphasis to address patterns of avoidance or fears to relinquish diminishing modes of living, or fabricating reasons justifying disempowerment and inaction by blaming external conditions. This requires determination and conviction to willingly choose to live authentically and from true heart's passion. We then get to manifest some of what has been typically kept under wraps because of hidden fears, internal taboos, shame, intimidation or simply ignorance of our potential. 

Next notice that transit Uranus [11ta] squares the radix draconic Pluto [11aq] from the 7th cusp. People can be overwhelmed with crisis that leaves them with few options. What follows is unexpected reactions based on fears of being controlled. 

This then is the astrology behind Moscow’s security proposal to the Western military bloc, which is in fact nothing less than an ultimatum: halt any further eastward military advances or Russia will be forced to act on behalf of its national interests.
