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Dam Collapse in Brazil

 To the magus, there exists no accidental happening…everything is established solidly by that law which the wise man discerns in happenings that appear accidental to the profane. The curve observed in the flight of birds, the barking of a dog, the shape of a cloud, are occult manifestations of that omnipresent, coordinator, the source of unity and harmony - Karl Seligmann

Eridanus - The River of Life 

After weeks of heavy rain, a dam in the northeastern Brazilian state of Bahia collapsed, sending a massive wall of water into populated areas. The dam in focus is the Igua dam, located near the city of Vitoria da Conquista in southern Bahia. It reportedly collapsed on Saturday evening and resulted in flooding of towns, including Itambe.


Meteorological astrology or astrometeorology is the practice of applying the astrological placements of the Sun, Moon, and planets to forecast the weather. Judgement of the weather starts by looking at the chart for the Sun's ingress into each of the four cardinal signs, i.e. 00 deg of Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn. Primarily planets in the angles especially the fourth house give indications of the weather. Shown here is the chart for Sun’s ingress into Capricorn at Vitoria da Conquista. Notice the Moon [27cn] is placed in the 4th house as part of a Grand Cross with Eris-Venus-Pluto-Zeus also in the angles.


Moreover, the Moon [27cn] is conjunct the star xi Geminorum [27cn] which was Tsi-Choui, The Accumulated Waters; or the Massed or Swollen Waters. Chinese astrologers kept a close watch on this star to see if there was a danger of summer floods; astrologers held that if one moment it looked bright and the next moment it faded, rivers would overflow and fords and bridges would become impassable (Staal p.28)


Progressing the ingress chart to Saturday, Dec. 25 brings Eris to a conjunction with the Ascendant and the star Acamar, theta (θ) Eridanus, in the celestial River Eridanus about which Nick Fiorenza writes:

 Al Pherg of Pisces, Beta Fornax of the Furnace, and Acamar of Eridanus mark the cusp of sidereal Pisces-Aries. Acamar, Theta 1,2 of ERIDANUS, is a primary stop or stoppage along the long and winding river of Life. Acamar is the dam, and indicates that emergence from the belly of Cetus (the technobureaucratic monster of collective human consciousness) requires a breakthrough that will lead us from the foul digestive juices of Cetus and into a greater freedom of being. Alignments here can fool one in thinking the forging they have just gone through in the belly, and their emergence marks the end of their journey, when in fact it is but the door merely opening to be worthy to begin the real work. Alignments here can also manifest as aliments due to the denial to pursue the physical clearing required to purge what has been taken on through our earlier journeys in life. 

If events in the world are symbols of what is happening at the deeper level of the psyche what does the collapse of the dam indicate or require? 

Vitória da Conquista was founded 0n Nov.9, 1840, after several battles against the native Imboré and Mongoió tribes by João Gonçalves da Costa. Costa had served the Portuguese crown during Joseph I's kingdom, fighting the natives, conquering their land, and attempting to convert them to Christianity. Vitória da Conquista is known as simply "Conquista" by locals.

 Here is the noon chart for the date of its foundation. The Sun [17sc] with the asteroid Toro [18sc] forms the apex of a T-square with Admetus-Poseidon. Please refer to [1] for asteroid and TNP definitions. Martha Wescott provides the following delineations: 


A touch of militaristic force here that is steeped in religion or ideology. The potential for abuse or harsh treatment in connection with religion. 


Expressions of delayed anger. People can hang onto anger and then behave like the proverbial Tempest in a Teapot! 

In 2019, Vitória da Conquista was named the 10th most violent city in the world by the Citizens' Council for Public Security and Criminal Justice in Mexico. To understand the astrology, look at the table below which gives the current solar arc progressions of the Sun. 

Vitoria da Conquista - Natal Chart

 9 Nov 1840 NS, 12:00, LMT +2:43:24

 Vitoria da Conquista Brazil, 14°S51', 040°W51'

 Geocentric Tropical Zodiac

 Koch Houses, Mean Node


Selection: Solar Arc Dirns_ast


P1 (H)    Asp              P2 (H)       Type               Date                    Pos1                    Pos2        


Sun (3) Sqr              Adm (12) Sa-Na              19 Jan 2019      16°Ta02' D              16°Aq02' 

Sun (3) Opp              Sun (9) Sa-Na              13 May 2020       17°Ta18' D              17°Sc18' 

Sun (3) Sqr              Pos (6)    Sa-Na              12 Aug 2020       17°Ta33' D              17°Le33' 

Sun (3) Opp              Toro (9) Sa-Na               6 May 2021        18°Ta15' D              18°Sc15' 


*** END REPORT ***

Notice that the entire T-square has been activated. Incidentally the TNP Admetus also refers to enduring or putting up with something and that can be the symbolic dam or block that needs to be removed. 

People can endure (or "put up with") because of their education, faith, religion or ethics... and this includes both positive situations where a person is able to "keep on keepin' on" because they believe so strongly in something, and situations where a person's religion or "spirituality" (or Karma ) is the reason that they "hang in there" and contend with what are uncomfortable circumstances. 

But the stars are saying that this block must go and that is the parallel to the actual dam burst.




