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F-35 jets grounded after crash-landing


"I'm very surprised the emergency gear down systems didn't work, or weren't used," a top regional military analyst and former air force officer told CNN after a $100 million US-designed stealth fighter was forced to do a "belly landing" after its landing gear failed to deploy. 

It happened in South Korea on Tuesday, (Jan.4) when a F-35A jet fighter suffered "avionic system issues" and the South Korean pilot didn't eject, but instead came in on the plane's belly, with emergency crews below having deployed a special foam on the runway to minimize damage to the aircraft. 


Regular readers will know that the same planetary configurations amidst the same stars can give rise to several possibilities. The consciousness of an evolved human  being can change the outcome of planetary patterns to his advantage. Paracelsus, the great Swiss, alchemist, lay theologian, and philosopher of the German Renaissance so aptly wrote: 

“It is the wise man who rules his stars, and the fool who blindly obeys them” 

 Here we will see how the same Dec. 4 eclipse Yod that helped the Egyptians to use innovative techniques (Uranus) to study the mummy of an ancient king (Kronos-Hades) turned out to be a disaster for the F-35 jet in Seoul. But let us first understand how the major keywords associated with the planets and TNPs can combine. If negatively expressed, Uranus is hasty innovation and Hades [2] is messy situations caused by mistakes, we can see how Uranus-Hades can combine to produce breakdowns because of mistakes in rash innovation. Next let us remember that Kronos [2] rules not only kings or people in high positions but anything that is at an altitude so that it has rulership over flights and aircrafts. So now the same combination Kronos-Hades-Uranus can produce the breakdown of an ill conceived aircraft.


Here is the chart for the eclipse drawn for Seoul. Notice the Saturn-Uranus square aligned with the meridian.When disciplined and slow moving Saturn makes a hard aspect to inventive and at times crazy Uranus, it warns us that any innovation must be thought through very carefully otherwise it will fail.


Now just to make sure that the eclipse is activated and that we are not imagining things, let us progress the eclipse chart to Jan.4. The progressed MC now bisects the Saturn-Uranus square while the eclipse Yod aligns with the progressed horizon implicating it in the event. But that is not all, Hades [11cn14] is conjunct the star Al Zirr, Pollux’s right foot. For an aircraft its foot would be its landing gear !!







Finally take a look at the Sabian symbols for Saturn and Uranus in the eclipse chart: 

Uranus: Taurus : 12 (11°- 12°): Window shoppers

Saturn: Aquarius 10 (9° - 10°): A popularity that proves ephemeral 

Weave the two symbols together for the current news and you have people (South Korea) having shopped for what they thought was very desirable (the fancy F-35) are beginning to realise that underneath the glamour the item was imperfect implying a need to recognize and reject illusions.


