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Mercury-Pluto: Truckers rally


The cross-border vaccine mandates for truckers in/out of Canada have caused a stir among the trucking community. By Sunday, truckers from around the country embarked in several convoys headed to Ottawa, Canada's capital, to protest a federal vaccine mandate, according to CBC News. Called the "Freedom Rally" against the federal mandate for cross-border truckers, Canadian truck drivers are furious with the Jan. 15 order to force unvaxxed drivers into two-week quarantine and COVID-19 testing before crossing into Canada.

 The 50,000 strong truck drivers heading to Ottawa, Canada's capital, is expected to arrive as early as Saturday, may break a world record for the longest convoy. Called the "Freedom Convoy," the truck drivers oppose the federal government's vaccine mandates for cross-border activity and have inspired others worldwide. 

Mercury is the god of the road, while Pluto is the dark god of the underworld ruling our hidden passions and fears of being controlled often showing up as power struggles in the outer world. The table below on the January monthly transits shows retrograde Mercury stationing to go direct on Feb. 3. On Jan. 28 (in retrograde motion) and Feb. 11 (in direct motion), Mercury is conjunct Pluto so that for all practical purposes it influences the entire two week period.




Selection: Monthly Transits


P1 (H)           Asp           P2 (H)            Date           Pos1            Pos2           


Mer (4)              Cnj              Plu (4)              28 Jan 2022              26°Cp51' R              26°Cp51' D

Mer (3)                                     D                     3 Feb 2022              24°Cp22' D              

Mer (4)              Cnj              Plu (4)              11 Feb 2022              27°Cp16' D              27°Cp16' D


*** END REPORT ***


Here is the chart for the Mercury (retro) -Pluto conjunction of Jan.28 drawn for Ottawa, Canada. Notice its significant placement on the 4th house cusp (IC). In mundane astrology, the 10th house cusp (MC) rules the government while the IC rules those who oppose the government. How appropriate that the Mercury-Pluto conjunction here on the IC is symbolising the angry truckers (Mercury) in a power struggle (Pluto) with the government. Why angry? Notice the TNP Zeus on the Ascendant square Mercury-Pluto. 

For Zeus-Pluto Martha Wescott writes: 

Tension, anxiety and volatility can "control" what other people do (and don't do.) Watch for how "threats to control" can instill reactions of alarm--as though being "not in control" would result in an absolute conflagration. Also notice that people can feel "like a simmering pot--ready to burst into a full rolling boil"--and how this can be the basis for compulsions, mini-paranoias, and suspicion. 



Parts of the US East Coast have been battered by blizzard conditions and heavy snowfall, sparking transport chaos and power cuts for thousands. Five states declared an emergency hours before piles of snow and high winds blasted the area on Saturday.


As we have seen in previous posts, synchronicity appears to be a universal law. There are no coincidences. In astro-meteorology, the 4th house also rules the weather. A Mercury-Pluto conjunction on the IC for most places on the US east coast is indicative of storms.



  1. Another NEW Convoy from B.C. is on the Highway, apparently blocked by the cops.


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