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Mercury retrograde: Israeli commandos shot dead in ‘mistaken identification’


Two Israeli military officers serving in an elite unit were killed in a friendly fire incident during a security patrol in the West Bank. The Israeli Defense Forces have launched a “comprehensive investigation” into their deaths.



News of a tragedy under a mistaken identity comes to us just as Mercury the planet of communication stations to go retrograde. When planets appear to be stationary their influence is more potent, especially if that planet is forming an angle to a planet in our chart. In any case, this is a week in which the processing of information is critical. 

The Israeli military officers who were shot by mistake were searching for thieves who had stolen their equipment.Let us recall that Mercury was a major god in Roman religion and mythology, who among other things was known for trickery and theft! 

Next we take a look at the national chart of Israel. Notice that the Mercury station [10aq] is taking place opposite the radix Saturn[16le] - Pluto [12le] in the 10th. In a previous post Why does Israel behave so aggressively? [1], we have discussed the Saturn-Pluto combination and the need for Israel to graduate from a history of aggressiveness. When as individuals or nations we are not learning our lessons, transits can activate these powerful combinations creating tragedies. 

Finally note that the January18th Full Moon which is conjunct unforgiving and retributive Pluto is occurring right on the Israel chart’s meridian activating the radix asteroids Orpheus [24ar] and the TNP Hades [27ar]. Martha Wescott interprets this combination as: 

Hades/Orpheus: You may realize that a death has occurred because of a mistake. 















