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Mummy of pharaoh Amenhotep I digitally unwrapped


For the first time since the 11th century BCE, scientists have unwrapped - virtually, using CT scans - the mummy of pharaoh Amenhotep I (r. 1525 to 1504 BCE), the only royal mummy to remain unopened in modern times. They show that the pharaoh was around 35 years old, 169 cm tall, circumcized, and in good physical health when he died, apparently from natural causes.



Quite often just the planets on the horizon and meridian at the time of an eclipse can explain an event. The December 4 solar eclipse at Cairo took place in the 11th house traditionally, the house of Good Fortune. The Uranus-Saturn-TNP Poseidon T-square straddled the meridian at the time of the eclipse.


Below is an extract from an earlier post [1]. 

For the TNP Poseidon we have the following keywords from Martha Wescott. 

POSEIDON: Spiritual enlightenment; receptivity to The Force; refraction of light. 

In her more recent writings, she has linked Poseidon to X-Rays, lasers and similar light radiation.

When Uranus, the planet of science and innovation forms a stressful square to Saturn, the planet of tradition we can see breakthroughs in scientific methods. With Poseidon (X-Rays, lasers and similar light radiation) the use of CT scans to discover the details without opening the Pharoah’s mummy is easy to understand. 

Going further we remind ourselves that the eclipse is part of a Yod. It makes inconjunct aspects to Uranus and the TNPs Kronos-Hades. Among other things Kronos-Hades can be delineated as “a famous King from the past”.

But how can we be sure that this eclipse was activated on December 28, 2021, the date of publication of the news. Well for one thing, if we just progress the eclipse to this date notice that the progressed MC touches the eclipse thereby triggering it. The second reason for the activation is transit Mars moving over the eclipse degree. 

