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Western disunity over NATO at Venus station



A number of Washington’s normally steadfast European allies have begun distancing themselves from the US’s increasingly confrontational approach to the standoff over Ukraine. However, despite the White House’s appeals for unity, the cracks in its foreign policy partnerships are beginning to show. 

As Venus stations direct old values and relationships are going through major changes. An astrocartography map for the Venus station is presented here. Notice that for most of Europe, Venus station is more or less on the MC line with the TNPs Kronos-Hades on the IC. 

If we see Venus as “valuing”, Hades indicates a negation of valuing..perhaps of the self so that people can demean or prostitute themselves by doing another’s bidding. Kronos can combine with this combination to indicate that people may be giving in to strong authority figures who are pushing them to follow their secretive or malicious (Hades) agenda. 

Europe has been “prostituting” itself to the American/NATO agenda. The Venus station is bringing a revaluation. Remember that Venus has rulership over Taurus and Libra. The Taurean Venus is primarily centered in itself being concerned with satisfying its own appetites. The Libran Venus, on the other hand, often gives self away with its concerns about compromise and acceptability. 

The challenge with Venus is to balance both sides of its nature. In other words, we need to align our ideals with our instincts. Most often at the direct station, we see this imbalance corrected. 

Venus tells us what is right and wrong and as we mature increasingly influences how we view society and its values, and whether those values are the ones to which we personally wish to subscribe. When we are repelled instinctively, Venus is protecting our essence from being compromised. It alerts us to desire and the responses that will satisfy our needs and encourages us to follow them.
