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Astrology of Russia’s Ukraine invasion


Russian forces launched “special military operations” in Ukraine on Thursday morning, including cruise and ballistic missile attacks targeting infrastructure near major cities such as Kyiv, Kharkiv, Mariupol and Dnipro, according to media reports. 

In this post I intend to show how accurate national charts and their derivatives can help to understand the deeper issues involved in any event like this one. The most significant combination in Ukraine chart [1] is a Uranus-Neptune conjunction on the ascendant. One interpretation of this combination is “disappointment with friends”. With the US and NATO backing off from helping Ukraine, we can see how this has come to pass. And strangely it took Putin whose radix Sun squares Ukraine’s Uranus-Neptune conjunction to bring this to light!



Next I present the precession corrected solar return chart for Ukraine. As always planets and combinations on the angles are the ones to focus on. Here we have a Grand Cross aligned with the angles. 

The primary square which sets up the essential meaning for the Grand Cross is the slowest moving combination - the Eris-Pluto square. About the Eris-Pluto square, Nick Fiorenza writes: 


Although Eris can create a disrupting commotion, upsetting our existing, limiting, and antiquated life scenarios, she impels an inner developmental process to expose, mostly to ourselves, false beliefs, views, and judgments about ourselves that motivate our patterns of behavior and limit our evolution. In doing so, we are left to redefine and reorganize our world view to embrace a far vaster reality. The effect of the Pluto-Eris Square, occurring throughout 2020-2021, I suspect will catalyze deeper levels of transformation within the very fabric of human society, if not demand it. 


Disgust with leadership, government and/or fathers (or father-figures like the US in this case) is gonna' run rampant this year. Bits that will be obvious can include: assessments of "stupidity" in executives or leadership ..attempts to undermine "the bosses" (think of Zelensky continually undermined by the neo-Nazis). There may be times when you see "wrongs or actual evil" perpetrated by leaders, in dealing with the poor or disenfranchised (think of the treatment doled out to the Donbass inhabitants by Ukraine). Another way to say all this is THAT THERE IS DETERIORATION OF THE EXECUTIVE FUNCTION (in all the ways one can interpret that statement.) 

The asteroid Circe [26cn] is on the MC and opposite Pluto [24cp]. 


There is reason to be concerned about anything or anybody that masquerades as a Helper...because more complex motives are at work (think US/NATO as “helper” here). People can "be helpful" as a form of dominance, control or manipulation (and this includes help that comes in financial form.) Sometimes you'll see that a helper has another agenda and is, in fact, trying to get something without going about it in a more direct fashion.) At other times, people can appear helpful by pressuring others to change. Be aware of potential guilt trips and other emotional leverage tucked into "rescue." Over the course of the period, you are also apt to see "helpers" will have to come to terms with the fact that some things are simply out of their hands--there are times when "saving the day--or another human being" is beyond their control.

To understand what is happening on Fenruary 24 let us progress the solar return chart to that date. Notice that the T-square Pluto-Eris-Zeus aligned with the meridian thereby triggering the original Cross.


And to confirm that we are on the right track  here is the lunar return chart for Ukraine that brings the same Eris-Pluto-Zeus combination to the angles. (Incidentally TNP Zeus refers to war.)


[1] Ukraine; 24 August 1991; 14:31 UT; Kiev : Nick Campion in "The Book of World Horoscopes"


  1. Without using Uranian astrology we could perhaps look at the Pluto-Mars (Russia) and Pluto-Jupiter (USA) cycles ? The Ukraine conflict started around the last Pluto-Mars conjunction and the opposition will occur on the 21st may 2023 (the peak of eclipse season).


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