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Fire on the car carrier FELICITY ACE


Fire on the car carrier FELICITY ACE

Possibly hundreds of Porsches, Volkswagens, Bentleys, and Lamborghinis are marooned on a burning ship in the Atlantic Ocean after the crew abandoned the vessel earlier this week. According to the real-time data website FleetMon, which tracks ships, the Felicity Ace car carrier vessel’s ownership said that “the vessel has experienced a fire and the Master has taken the prudent decision to abandon the ship”.


Understanding the world around us depends on our power to perceive patterns of meaning, to make the right connections, recognize what belongs with what. It is not easy. Astrology can help us to think in new categories. With astrological insight, objects and events that at first sight appear to have nothing whatever to do with each other can be shown to be intimately connected. 

In recent posts, I have shown several world events connected to the November lunar eclipse activated by the Full Moon of Feb. 16. Coincidentally, this happens to be the date on which the car carrier Felicity Ace caught fire. The position of FELICITY ACE on Feb. 16 was (North East Atlantic Ocean (coordinates 37.49529 N / 28.92628 W) as reported by AIS [1].


Take a look at the chart for the November Algol lunar eclipse at the co-ordinates of Felicity Ace. Notice the alignment of the eclipse axis with the horizon. Among the various events connected to the star Algol, Diana Rosenberg lists “fires and shipwrecks” and also "war and acts of intolerance".  

The table below gives the asteroids conjunct the eclipse Moon [27ta]. The asteroid Phaethon is literally cars while Kron like TNP Kronos is upmarket so here we are talking about fancy cars !




27 ta 14'28"




27 sc 14'28"




27 ta 33'57"




28 ta 35'55"



The eclipse and the horizon axis make aspects to Mercury-Admetus- Kronos-Hades. One interpretation of this combination is “delays (Admetus) caused by an accident or a messy situation (Hades) involving upmarket (Kronos) cars (Mercury)”. And this of course can clearly refer to the fire on the car carrier FELICITY ACE. 

But Mercury-Admetus can also be blockages or standoffs (Admetus) that are preventing communication (Mercury). And this may be because differences of opinion (Kronos) have caused a situation to decline (Hades). (Recall that (a) the eclipse is on the meridian at Donbass where the crisis simmers because Ukraine refuses to abide by the Minsk agreement (b) is on the MC in Justin Trudeau’s horoscope where the standoff (Admetus) with truckers (Mercury) is ready to explode.) 

With Mercury-Admetus one can expect delays... with reference to information. At times, digging into the past for root causes (Hades) can reveal some important point of information. (it appears information has now emerged of a document about the commitment from the NATO bloc to cease its eastward expansion around Russian territory [2]). 

Also there may be times when language (Mercury) itself is a barrier or a limitation (Admetus)... maybe because a person can't think of the right word ... maybe because words can't get to where the idea is! It may also be that communication (Mercury) has come to standstill (Admetus) because root causes (Hades) are not being addressed. 

How strange that one meaning of the word “felicity” is “the ability to find appropriate expression for one's thoughts”!






Reference keywords for asteroids and TNPs:
