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Justin Trudeau and the Freedom Convoy



Rows of police faced off against rows of anti-mandate protesters in Ottawa, Canada on Friday. The demonstration has been fenced off, the media told by law enforcement to “keep a distance,” and arrests and vehicle seizures have begun. The police push comes after Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau invoked emergency powers on Monday to end the protest, which in addition to occupying downtown Ottawa for three weeks, have blocked several key border crossing points between the US and Canada. Ottawa’s interim police chief, Steve Bell, said on Wednesday that he would use these unprecedented powers to “remove this unlawful protest” and “return our city to a state of normalcy” in the coming days.


In yesterday’s post on the Full Moon fuelling the Ukraine crisis, I wrote: 

The Full Moon on February 16 is in Leo, the Lion conjunct the star Regulus. The Lion is an aggressive predator and Regulus has been linked to inflation and hubris and the desire for revenge. The Full Moon forms a Grand Cross with the nodal axis - a phenomena known as Moon Wobble. In the past several blogposts, we have referred to the Moon Wobble creating unstable conditions which cause subconscious or suppressed material that has been held back to be released often creating upheavals. 

Here is the chart for the Full Moon at Ottawa. Notice its significant alignment with the meridian implying that its destabilising energy is going to felt very strongly at the place. 

Next take a look at Justin Trudeau’s horoscope. Notice that the November 19 Algol eclipse at [27ta] fuelling “violence and intolerance” fell exactly on his MC and the Full Moon [27le] Grand Cross with the Nodes [27ta-27sc] has just activated it. And of course the Leo Full Moon is also pointing to a danger of inflation and hubris. If we also include the fact that the eclipse activated Justin's radix Saturn [0ge] in Gemini - a sign associated with Mercury and the road, we can see why he is  having difficulties (Saturn) with the truckers (Mercury).

How about we look at Justin’s solar return. Here we see the TNPs Hades-Kronos opposite Mercury-Pluto aligned with the meridian both in hard aspect to Admetus. 

Hades/Kronos: "stupidity" in executives or leadership...reactions to "picky" little (or just plain DUMB) rules and regulations. 

Mercury-Pluto-Admetus : Power struggle with truckers causes an impasse. 

Going back to the post on Ukraine I mentioned that the eclipse midpoints were: 


"A House AFIRE"---- but you may be aware of fire or burning in connection with a house or family. This is of course a metaphorical image too so that we can see a family or group at war with each other or other kinds of "heat" within a family or partnership. 


Talks have come to halt or are delayed. 

Here once again, the Admetus/Mercury combination shows up not only as a communication delay but also as obstruction (Admetus) by truckers (Mercury). 
