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Lata Mangeshkar, 'nightingale of India' dies


Pegasus, the Muses & Helicon

Lata Mangeshkar, who has died in Mumbai at the age of 92, was an Indian cultural icon and national treasure who made her name in Bollywood - despite only actually appearing on screen in a handful of films.


Lata Mangeshkar was born 28 September 1929; 23:51 IST; Indore; India. As is usual for great artists, her horoscope has several indicators that show her talent. Performers usually have a prominent 5th house. Here we see the South Node in the 5th about which Steven Forrest writes: 

With the south node in the fifth house, the person may very well have been involved in creative arts in some form in a prior life. One of the easiest ways to confirm that possibility is to see if that pattern is reproduced in the present life - if he or she is drawn to creative work in this lifetime, or shows some particular artistic talent, it practically clinches the karmic roots of the behaviour. Think of the famous example of Mozart composing symphonies when he was barely out of his diapers. 

The Moon in tropical Leo (5th sign) also known to be connected to creativity and play (her love for cricket) makes a T-square with the nodal axis. The February 1st New Moon at [12aq] conjunct Saturn [15aq] fell in the 8th house of death completing a Grand Cross with the radix Moon and Nodes. 

 Also in her case the ruler of the 5th and the South Node, Mars is placed in tropical Libra (along with the Sun and Mercury) About the stars in this area, Diana Rosenberg writes: 

Tropical Libra’s influence makes this an area of artists, performers and musicians. 

In the 10th of career and fame, is Uranus [9ar] conjunct the star Algenib, gamma Pegasi. 

Pegasus was a beautiful winged horse..The later poets represent Pegasus as being at the service of the Muses. He would appear to represent that poetical inspiration, which tends to develop man's higher nature, and causes the mind to soar heavenwards. 

The only mention by the ancients of Pegasus in connection with the Muses, is the story of his having produced with his hoofs, the famous fountain Hippocrene. It is said that during their contest with the Pierides, the Muses played and sang on the summit of Mount Helicon with such extraordinary power and sweetness, that heaven and earth stood still to listen, whilst the mountain raised itself in joyous ecstasy towards the abode of the celestial gods. 

Then we notice that Uranus is opposite the Sun - a combination known to produce people who are rebels. This was true for Lata. In the 1960s, when transit Saturn formed a T-square with the Sun-Uranus axis, differences with her co-singer Md. Rafi arose over the issue of payment of royalty. Lata was in favour of royalty being paid and also took up the matter with the producers [1]. 

The Sun opposite Uranus axis squares the Ascendant [7cn]. The stars on the Ascendant are those of sidereal Gemini. The Twins were also famous as musicians. In early depictions of the constellation, Castor is shown carrying a lyre. Currently progressed Sun [7cp] was opposite her Ascendant [7cn] which at birth was square Uranus [9ar] - the ruler of her 8th house of death. 







