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Solar Eclipse activates New Zealand protests


New Zealand police cracked down on protesters outside Parliament in Wellington on Thursday, arresting more than 50 people after forcibly dispersing the demonstration against Covid-19 restrictions. 

Eclipses can be extremely powerful with several layers of possible meanings. Just as eclipses can explain events, it is also possible for events to illustrate the meaning of an eclipse. Shown here is the chart for the powerful total solar eclipse [12sa22] of December 4, 2021 drawn for Wellington, NZ. Notice that it is placed very significantly on the descendant conjunct the star Antares, alpha Scorpii [10sa03]. 

About Antares, Nick Fiorenza writes: 

Antares ensures that the current and accepted approaches and visions do not become static or antiquated. It ensures growth, evolution and change. If the Scorpion meets those stuck in their antiquated modality of life, its sting is not far off - hence its classical association with rebellious and destructive forces. When there are rebellious and terrorizing forces assaulting the established order, this reflects the need to realize that the established order is no longer supporting in ways truly nourishing to the needs of the people, and requires some type of reform - reform that if denied, may result in some level of unneeded destruction. 

Arranging the eclipse and its midpoints in a 90 degree sort we have. 

SE = 72°22' ; Kronos/Uranus = 72°44'; Zeus/Vul = 72°47' 

Kronos/Uranus: unconventional, erratic, unpredictable or refusing to buy into "The System" or "socially acceptable regimens and roles." 

Zeus/Vul : to feel pressure through anger or enthusiasm; to gather strength to combat attempts to coerce. 


Regular readers will be familiar with the technique of progressing eclipse charts to check when the progressed angles reach a conjunction to the eclipse degree. Here is the progression of the eclipse chart to February 10, the date of the news. Notice that the progressed IC conjoins the eclipse degree thereby activating it.
