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End Of The Petrodollar Conspiracy


One of the core staples of the past 40 years, and an anchor propping up the dollar's reserve status, was a global financial system based on the petrodollar - this was a world in which oil producers would sell their product to the US (and the rest of the world) for dollars, which they would then recycle the proceeds in dollar-denominated assets and while investing in dollar-denominated markets, explicitly prop up the USD as the world reserve currency, and in the process backstop the standing of the US as the world's undisputed financial superpower. Those days are coming to an end.


Nixon’s decision in 1971 to withdraw the United States from the gold standard greatly influenced the future direction of humanity. The US dollar rose in importance from the mid-1950s to become the world reserve currency as a result of the need for countries to use the dollar in trade. One of the most consumed commodities in the world is oil, and as is well known, the price is set by OPEC in US dollars, with this organization being strongly influenced by Saudi Arabia. 

It is therefore towards Riyadh that we must look in order to understand the workings of the petrodollar. After the dollar was withdrawn from the gold standard, Washington made an arrangement with Riyadh to price oil solely in dollars. In return, the Saudis received protection and were granted a free hand in the region. The agreement made between Washington and Riyadh guaranteed that the latter would receive protection from the former and Washington would look the other way regarding Riyadh’s behavior within its kingdom and in the region – so long as Saudi Arabia sold its black gold in US dollars alone.


This arrangement continued to sustain itself until now. In this post we look at the Saudi Arabia - US Sibly Davison Relationship Chart (DRC) to understand why this arrangement is coming to an end. For those new to astrology, let me just explain that if there is a significant combination in a chart that is triggered by a direction (progression or transit) then its meaning comes alive and can be seen in events.



Notice that the DRC has a very significant Sun-Pluto-Cupido-Jupiter opposition aligned with the meridian. The table of solar arc progressions below tells us that the progressed Sun having reached the opposition to Pluto has triggered the combination.



 Sibly - Saudi Arabia - Relationship - Davison

 11 Apr 1839 NS, 00:57:49, GMT +0:00

 Midpoint in Space, 31°N45'51'', 015°W09'36'' 


Selection: Solar Arc Dirns


P1 (H)    Asp              P2 (H)       Type              Date         Pos1              Pos2       

Sun (9) Cnj              Jup (9)      Sa-Co    27 Feb 2018    12°Li57'              12°Li57'

Sun (9) Cnj              Eurydi (9) Sa-Co    23 Jan 2019     13°Li51'              13°Li51'

Sun (9) Opp              Plu (3)      Sa-Co    16 Sep 2022   17°Li27'              17°Ar27'

Sun (10) Cnj              MC (10)   Sa-Co  12 Aug 2024    19°Li21'              19°Li21' 

*** END REPORT *** 


Here are delineations provided by Martha Wescott: 


Several things are apt to show you what happens when "power issues" or underhanded tactics get infused into their inherent "the good guy's here to help you" basis. I want to say too, "Beware of Greeks bearing gifts," and scrutinize any Trojan Horses that are dragged to your door. There will be times when folks--under the guise of being helpful or wonderful--HAVE A POWERFUL EFFECT...for good or ill. (the petrodollar deal). Unfortunately, you may not always notice the difference between the two..until you do!. (The Saudis are only now beginning to realize how they have been used! But remember they too had a In just this way, you may see people who through exposure to some new experiences, go through quite a transformation--just as you'll see that people can be trapped by greed or unhealthy ways of hooking into others. (remember that the Saudi chart too has a Jupiter-Pluto hard aspect). Some folks will USE ( Pluto is exploitation) the wealth (Jupiter) of others . 

At some juncture, (the prog. Sun triggers the opposition now!) you may note that people can go through incredible difficulties (and some of 'em have to) in order to finally develop integrity and begin to do good things (for themselves or others.)" 


You'll see examples of how a person can seem to depend on another as a form of manipulation, and you may be aware in a number of situations of reliance tied to another's financial status. It may take events of some magnitude this year for people to see how and why they let others "lead" what happens in their life.... (and that sentence is both a mouthful and an understatement!) 

Finally a bit of synastry. The US Sibly Pluto return is conjunct the Saudi Ascendant-Sun-Saturn. In other words transit Pluto is moving over the Saudi Ascendant. 

About Pluto transit over the Ascendant, Steven Forrest writes: 

This transit challenges you to reveal who you really are and what you really want. It is a season of “unmasking”. Some false note has crept into your external, presented self. It may be an old lie, told for safety or convenience, that is now being unravelled. It may be that you’ve changed inwardly to the point that your old self is simply running on momentum…and the situation is becoming untenable. Should you make a weak response your behaviour will oscillate between numbness and apathy on the one hand and touchy defiance on the other. As your response evolves there may be a tendency towards brutal solutions. You may “nuke” a long-standing relationship. While we must recognize the virtue of working hard on relationships and sticking with them, we must also accept that sometimes alliances that have been meaningful and alive come to pieces where they are no longer consistent with who we are: a distinctly Plutonian truth.

Chart Data

Saudi Arabia: 15 Jan 1902; 3:45 am GMT; Riyadh 

US Sibly: 4 July 1776; 5:10 pm LMT; Philadelphia
